This right here is the exact point I was trying to get to. Hunting is under attack in a lot of places, not just specifically CO but its probably the biggest issue at the moment. Money from outside of CO is being used to fund this stuff to misinform and persuade people who have no clue about game management, predator management, or even nature in general. Instead of resident hunters trying to gain sympathy or help from outside hunting sources, i.e. nonresident hunters, to fight the ballot proposal with funds or whatever it may be, they push to cut non resident quotas first. It's human nature for people when they think they're being cutoff, cutout, discriminated against they will be much less inclined to help however that may be. I see it as shooting yourself in the foot for the short term gain to only lose it all down the road.
I've seen first hand what over issued deer tags coupled with hard winters, season date changes, and population growth will do to herd quality and quantity. It's a sad state of affairs for deer in CO. In several units I used to hunt with resident buddies, 15 years ago I noticed a steep decline and was of the opinion tag numbers needed to get cut but CPW seemed to give out more.