Why give your money to RMEF if your “out east” ?

Maybe someone can educate me regarding these Conservation Easements. As I understand it, signing up
just says you won't subdivide, etc.; no mention of public access, and they get a property tax discount. The RMEF doesn't have to be involved in any way. If they are , what's the difference? Am I missing something?
I’ll give a real life example related to S Dakota. My friends and I deer hunted a small area (27L- awesome whitetail, check it out SD guys!) near the black hills that I knew of through my work with pheasants forever. I donated heavily to them and still do. Some residents finally caught on and didn’t like the NR pressure there. They pushed the F&W folks to make it a separate unit that is now a draw only… a whopping 2 archery tags made availability to NR hunters, basically taking the resource away. Enjoy it SD residents. How much money did they contribute to the food plots there and the property purchase? I bet next to nothing.
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I live in Vermont. We will never have elk here. I guided elk hunters out of Cody, Wyoming for ten years and have had the good fortune to have hunted elk myself in many western states for more than 30 years and have taken a dozen elk or so. The only years that I haven't hunted elk have been the years that I haven't drawn a NR tag and that seems to be a harder thing to do in the last few years.

I have also been a committee member of the RMEF Vermont chapter for over 30 years. I like what the organization does "mostly." I am glad to donate my time and money to an organization that seems to be quite effective in putting resources for wildlife on the ground. It's sort of like planting apple trees or other trees that will be something to draw deer to, that I will likely never get to hunt over but my children or grandchildren will.

Do I wish that I could draw a tag every year? Heck yes, but I also understand that if I do that along with hundreds or even thousands of others, wild animals can't reproduce that quickly and soon I will be just taking my rifle for a walk.
So having a big convention makes them the best Conservation Org?

I have multiple projects within an hour of my house that RMEF has had a significant hand in....I don't know of a single project or issue in the State of Idaho that I've seen SCI have anything to do with. What do they actually do with all that money from the convention?

I'm becoming more and more of the opinion that if you want your money to actually do some good you should be focusing on giving it to local and state level organizations.

Idaho Wildlife Federation does more to actually help hunters in Idaho than all the other conservation groups combined. Just something to think about.
SCI (like the NRA) has dedicated lobbyists in Washington, DC who influence legislation and fight for hunters at the federal level. SCI is an advocate for hunting in general, whereas RMEF is an advocate for a specific species of game animal in North America, so not comparable

I support both
I live in NY, no elk here. Never felt unwelcome out west. I’d think if I wanted to, I could get some kind of tag almost every year if I worked all the systems every year. All great units for big bills, no, but cow tags, leftovers, etc. there are opportunities. I’d pay the membership fee just to read the magazine… I guess maybe you expect residents in the states you hunt to go out of their way to welcome you? Maybe have some firewood cut and stacked when you get there?
I live in NY, no elk here. Never felt unwelcome out west. I’d think if I wanted to, I could get some kind of tag almost every year if I worked all the systems every year. All great units for big bills, no, but cow tags, leftovers, etc. there are opportunities. I’d pay the membership fee just to read the magazine… I guess maybe you expect residents in the states you hunt to go out of their way to welcome you? Maybe have some firewood cut and stacked when you get there?

You nailed it.

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I just said no dipsh*t … are you enamored with the word entitled. You don’t feel welcome or nearly having an opportunity at tags unless you drop $50 a year for 5 years. Check out Wyoming… trimming NR tags down every year. I could care less if I’m welcome or not when I’m there
I can’t imagine the state of WY wouldn’t welcome you with open arms.
No entitlement here, I’m just sick and tired of the western residents sense of ownership of the animals that I’m not welcome out there. As long as my federal tax money ends up in your state I have a right to be there.
As for the MI, KY herds … yup glad they did that. I’ll never get access to them unless I buy a governors tag or basically win the draw lottery.
Totally missed my point.

I don't see where you are coming from.

All Western States have non-resident opportunities. There are only so many elk to go around, unfortunately. Preference will always go to residents of the State in question (they have a sense of ownership of the animals, because by law they DO own them). Each State has decided on their own allotment for non-residents, as is their prerogative. Western states are all growing in population, with a subsequent increase in demand for resident tags. They will always prioritize Resident hunters, as they should.

Not feeling "welcome" is entirely your own twisted interpretation. If you want more opportunity, the best possible situation is elk herds that are growing. That comes via more access and more and better habitat, the very things that RMEF advocates and pays for. It is bizarre you choose to condemn RMEF because you feel aggrieved that some Western state doesn't allocate enough non-resident tags.
Maybe someone can educate me regarding these Conservation Easements. As I understand it, signing up
just says you won't subdivide, etc.; no mention of public access, and they get a property tax discount. The RMEF doesn't have to be involved in any way. If they are , what's the difference? Am I missing something?
When a property has a conservation easement placed on it, the market value is significantly diminished. Landowners typically get compensated for most of the value decrease. What you seem to be missing is where the dollars to compensate the landowner would come from if the RMEF or a similar organization is not involved in the transaction.
Maybe someone can educate me regarding these Conservation Easements. As I understand it, signing up
just says you won't subdivide, etc.; no mention of public access, and they get a property tax discount. The RMEF doesn't have to be involved in any way. If they are , what's the difference? Am I missing something?
Be sure to note the difference between Conservation Use Assessment and a Conservation Easment.

The former is a temporary agreement with a local municipality promising not to develop or subdivide for a specific period of time (usually 10 years) in exchange for significantly reduced annual taxes. At the end of the agreement you either apply for continuation, or you let it expire and your taxes skyrocket.

The latter is permanent. When you put a property into a Conservation Easment it is irreversible, and significantly devalues the land, but preserves it as a green space into perpetuity.
I just said no dipsh*t … are you enamored with the word entitled. You don’t feel welcome or nearly having an opportunity at tags unless you drop $50 a year for 5 years. Check out Wyoming… trimming NR tags down every year. I could care less if I’m welcome or not when I’m there
When has Wyoming cut the number of non resident elk tags? Seems there are left over cow tags every year. I guess it’s your story make it up how ever you chose.
I’ll give a real life example related to S Dakota. My friends and I deer hunted a small area (27L- awesome whitetail, check it out SD guys!) near the black hills that I knew of through my work with pheasants forever. I donated heavily to them and still do. Some residents finally caught on and didn’t like the NR pressure there. They pushed the F&W folks to make it a separate unit that is now a draw only… a whopping 2 archery tags made availability to NR hunters, basically taking the resource away. Enjoy it SD residents. How much money did they contribute to the food plots there and the property purchase? I bet next to nothing.
There are only 10 resident whitetail tags and 5 mule deer tags so I guess all 15 people will love it.
Hasn't RMEF contributed to the re-establishment of elk herds in NC, KY, MI, and other states?
I know they did here in West Virginia getting the heard started again. I think its up to 100-150, including the ones that crossed from Kentucky to live in the better state :p

Believe they had a hand in Virginias as well.
And that is one nice magazine they put out. Friend is a member
No entitlement here, I’m just sick and tired of the western residents sense of ownership of the animals that I’m not welcome out there. As long as my federal tax money ends up in your state I have a right to be there.
As for the MI, KY herds … yup glad they did that. I’ll never get access to them unless I buy a governors tag or basically win the draw lottery.
Totally missed my point.
Wild animals are custody of the State. Your Federal tax dollars mean little. You say “no entitlement here” yet your very words are complaining about lack of entitlement (tag access). Enjoy your whitetails man.
SCI (like the NRA) has dedicated lobbyists in Washington, DC who influence legislation and fight for hunters at the federal level. SCI is an advocate for hunting in general, whereas RMEF is an advocate for a specific species of game animal in North America, so not comparable

I support both
Fair enough, so what have they done at the Federal Level?

Not trying to pick a fight, trying to get educated. To me, SCI has always just seemed like a good ol' boys club for the rich dudes who buy Governors tags and go on Safaris in Africa.
Fair enough, so what have they done at the Federal Level?

Not trying to pick a fight, trying to get educated. To me, SCI has always just seemed like a good ol' boys club for the rich dudes who buy Governors tags and go on Safaris in Africa.
SCI not only works at the federal govt level in the US, they work all over the world. Safari Club International

Hunting is hunting, no matter if it's a lion hunt in Africa, or taking your kid squirrel hunting on the back 40. SCI fights for all of it.

** I have never been to a single hunting show or expo, and I have never hunted outside of North America**
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