Nightforce sponsors MuleyFreak

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My favorite thing is the amount of delicious food they make. Minus Jello with vegetables in. That’s wrong.
Lifelong active member and RM here, but I agree that veggies in jello is a travesty. My maternal grandfather’s favorite was green lime jello with diced white onion. Couple that with cooked green beans with heavy cream overtop and there were some meals with them I had to get creative with how to get rid of them without eating them. I will forever miss my grandpa and the great influence he’s had on my life, but I’ll never understand some of his food tastes…

Ok, back to business at hand….
Lifelong active member and RM here, but I agree that veggies in jello is a travesty. My maternal grandfather’s favorite was green lime jello with diced white onion. Couple that with cooked green beans with heavy cream overtop and there were some meals with them I had to get creative with how to get rid of them without eating them. I will forever miss my grandpa and the great influence he’s had on my life, but I’ll never understand some of his food tastes…

Ok, back to business at hand….
Same and same (well I came home after 6 months and got married) but I’ve never seen the veggies in Jello lol. That sounds terrible. Lots of good pot roasts and funeral potatoes though.
You missed some seriously great threads if you think this is the best one.

Probably. Unfortunately, I do not sit on Rokslide all day long.

Just glad to see this getting some traction. Hopefully Tuesday morning when the Nightforce office opens, they have a surprise waiting for them in the form of thousands of emails calling them out for this. There are so many threads talking about how much the internet sucks and has ruined hunting (mostly true), but efforts like this to call out scumbags may be one of the few silver linings.
Probably. Unfortunately, I do not sit on Rokslide all day long.

Just glad to see this getting some traction. Hopefully Tuesday morning when the Nightforce office opens, they have a surprise waiting for them in the form of thousands of emails calling them out for this. There are so many threads talking about how much the internet sucks and has ruined hunting (mostly true), but efforts like this to call out scumbags may be one of the few silver linings.

Your going to need more than a day.
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