If I read that first article correctly, they expect the funding for this travesty to come from Fish&Game? Talking about having your cake and eating it too
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If I read that first article correctly, they expect the funding for this travesty to come from Fish&Game? Talking about having your cake and eating it too
Yep. F&G would be on the hook for about $11k the first year and $5k every year after that.If I read that first article correctly, they expect the funding for this travesty to come from Fish&Game? Talking about having your cake and eating it too
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
who says a billion dollars doesn't buy you some political clout
BoomNot sure if it's been brought up in the thread, but here in Idaho (I think they own a lot of land in other states too) we have these brothers named the Wilks Brothers out of Texas who purchased old Timber land, a lot of it. It used to be accessible for public but they came in and have "locked it all up". Now there are forest roads that go all through their lands and people hired by them have been known to be hostile to folks just on the road on their lands.
A law like this clearly helps an absentee owner like this use ambiguity to their advantage when it comes to harassing people and placing unsubstantiated blame.
You may think there's a lot of outlets out there now to delineate property lines and have them on an app etc. But what you don't realize is that it will still come down to a he said/she said between the land owner or their agent/worker and you. The apps all release themselves from liability and have disclaimers about their data not being "official".
So in the real world, I'm riding my quad on a forest road and find a place I'd like to camp. I pull into a pull out and start setting up. A guy comes along and says, hey you're on private land. I say no my onx map shows this being public. The guy says, no thats wrong. Since the landowner doesn't have to mark their lines, they don't have to declare where their line ends. So now they can claim you're on private land and the app is wrong. You will then have to deal with it a lot more than that single conversation with them if they want to try to get authorities involved.
To all who think this bill is ok, How is this better??