Mtn Lion Ban Filed in Colorado

Guys I’m serious. Go to the Cats Page and sign up. They will mail you a shirt, and buttons, sheets to fill out, they will put you on a mailing list to get the inside scoop. You have to sign the petition in person so signing up to gather signatures only gets them to send you stuff. Guess what the stuff they are sending is not free. Heck if I take a dollar away from them. I am pumped. If we take 10,000 dollars even better come on, it takes like 5 min to do. Waster their resources anyway possible!!!
Signing up, but with an alias. Joseph Maldonado.
I just left the Western Hunt Expo. The film from Blood Origins was good. HOWL was there as well as Save The Hunt. Sad that the film was played on Saturday and about 15 people sat for it. Again, we all complain but don’t want to help. At the very minimum we should all be on We are hurting ourselves with laziness.
We should all sign up to gather signatures and then not show up! Psyop! Seriously, I did, they will mail me stuff which costs them money which I will promptly throw away, plus I will get inside scoop about their progress, ect… all guys from Co should sign up, let them mail you stuff to throw away, death by a thousand cuts…
Done. I hope they choke on this.
Guys I’m serious. Go to the Cats Page and sign up. They will mail you a shirt, and buttons, sheets to fill out, they will put you on a mailing list to get the inside scoop. You have to sign the petition in person so signing up to gather signatures only gets them to send you stuff. Guess what the stuff they are sending is not free. Heck if I take a dollar away from them. I am pumped. If we take 10,000 dollars even better come on, it takes like 5 min to do. Waster their resources anyway possible!!!
This is pure genius…..
The CPW officers I spoke too were never in favor but the they a non official gag order and not allowed to say much.
The CPW officers I spoke too were never in favor but the they a non official gag order and not allowed to say much.
Yep. I understand they have to remain apolitical and can never be viewed as making recommendations on how folks should vote. However, I believe they do have a duty to provide the logic behind their science-based management decisions. It is also important to highlight the great lengths they go to as professionals when setting regulations to maximize the benefits to the public while conserving the resource and improving the landscape. And anyone who has taken the time to watch the CPW biologists presentations to the commission would recognize that. But the anti-hunters don’t because they don’t really care about the science or the wildlife.
The main issue is that in CO, state agencies are barred from opining on ballot issues. It’s not just CPW, although I do keep hearing about some unofficial “gag order” they’re under as well
Californication has been coming to Colorado for a while now.

Down here in Texas they call in and say the deer crossing signs need to be moved. All the deer are crossing there and too many are getting hit where the signs have been placed now. They need to put up the signs some where else so the deer will know to cross safely. Apparently these idiots actually believe the deer can read.

These people vote!
When the libs move in things change for the worse. texas and Florida are in trouble in the future with all the libs moving in.

Their training video calls mountain lion hunting "trophy hunting" repeatedly. Says even though the words trophy hunting arent on the ballot initiative, it is good to call it that when gathering signatures because people know what it is and don't approve of it. So once again, they are straight up lying to voters to get some bullshut inititative passed.
I wonder, could people who actively hunt lions sue them for defamation? It seems like there could be a strong case if it passes.
Right, I mean this is pretty slanderous, tough thing if it was in a liberal Co court that was over seeing it.
It is the very definition of defamation. They don't have to specifically name you for it to be. I would say it even causes harm before it passes. It definitely hurts the reputation of any hunter, but especially those who hunt cats. How is it not illegal to lie to voters to gather signatures? I have always been into politics, and know everyone lies, but this is nonsense.
It is the very definition of defamation. They don't have to specifically name you for it to be. I would say it even causes harm before it passes. It definitely hurts the reputation of any hunter, but especially those who hunt cats. How is it not illegal to lie to voters to gather signatures? I have always been into politics, and know everyone lies, but this is nonsense.

Unfortunately not. The reasonable person needs to believe the statement is one of fact, expression of opinion is not defamatory. Regardless of how wrong they are, they are entitled to label it trophy hunting, as that is their opinion.
Unfortunately not. The reasonable person needs to believe the statement is one of fact, expression of opinion is not defamatory. Regardless of how wrong they are, they are entitled to label it trophy hunting, as that is their opinion.
They had to remove trophy hunting from the ballot initiative because it was false. I mean, their very definition of trophy hunting is that it isn't for food. Which is a blatant lie, considering the law says you have to consume mountain lions you hunt. They are also claiming lion hunters are killing females with kittens. Which is also illegal. Their whole platform is based on lies.


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They had to remove trophy hunting from the ballot initiative because it was false. I mean, their very definition of trophy hunting is that it isn't for food. Which is a blatant lie, considering the law says you have to consume mountain lions you hunt. They are also claiming lion hunters are killing females with kittens. Which is also illegal. Their whole platform is based on lies.

Definitely do not disagree with your overall premise, think fraud would be more appropriate, thought admittedly it’s been some time since I actually practiced law. Would have a difficult time proving actual damages for defamation beyond the sticky opinion issue.

But regardless, I think the best way to combat it is to continue exposing their lies for what they are. We need to make sure we show up for these CPW information sessions and ensure the average, reasonable voter is aware of these facts.