But is managing for maximum big game hunting opportunity really what's best for the ecosystem as a whole?
Or just what's best for those of us who hunt?
Well, take a peek at the management objectives that the biologists set. They typically base those off what the think is the carrying capacity for the habitat/area they manage.
Start looking at what percentage of management objective deer or elk are in some of these states that have very limited or almost no“management” of predators.
I can’t speak for all of these states, but I’m pretty familiar with my state of Oregon.
I have also spent some time looking at this in the B Zone in California, and talked to the biologists down there. I think my first hunt down there was 18-20 years ago, and did the last 10-12 years ago. After the last hunt the biologists I spoke with estimated deer numbers were down 50 percent in the Bzone area I had hunted.
In Oregon lots of the mule deer units are around 50 percent of management objectives.
In NE Oregon lots of the previously OTC archery tags went to a draw last year, bull to cow ratios are plummeting in lots of those units. The plummeting bull to cow numbers began just as the wolf numbers have exploded. The unit I hunt I can start to also see the change in the age structures of the herds. Not only is the bull to cow ratio way down(based of ODFW data, it seems the last 5 years I’m seeing way less large/older herd bulls with large herds of cows and satellite bulls around the herd. It’s way more younger bulls that each have 3-4 cows.
The MYODFW website has lots of studies and information on the various big game species, and on predators
The cow/calf ratios & doe/fawn ratios are extremely poor in lots of the units, caused by predation.
So in conclusion, according to the “experts” lots of areas in Oregon the “ecosystem as a whole” isn’t in a healthy balance.
Also don’t forget that humans are one of the species on this planet. That seems to be a part of the equation I see many people want to ignore in predator/climate discussions on the couple hunting website I frequent. I have actually had several discussions with people who end up advocating for the control of the human population, so the rest of the “ecosystem” could reach their “natural balance”.