CO Mtn Lion hunting ban ballot initiative

Everyone knows no one is safe. Wyoming idaho and montana are surrounded.

The games been over for a bit. We just waiting for clock to run out.

But then again.....historically montana voted Democrat. Last election we went RED.
Now the state is debr free and has surplus.

Going all red is not a good thing either.
Red/Blue= different jerseys, same team
One color just grows government faster
This is true, they both suck, they both still want their tax dollar, but at least one of the jerseys mess around with hunting a lot less… they are more prone to want to auction off your hunting spot but they aren’t out there trying to cancel hunts… hell we get it from all sides
Maybe so. Reds are more patient.
The outcome is predetermined either way.
So lame.

I fear for the day this crap starts happening in Idaho, probably only a matter of time as quickly as the Treasure Valley has grown.

Start now while you have a chance.

Propose changes to ballot initiatives to make them harder, get a constitutional right to hunt passed while you can if you don't have one currently!

Make it as hard as possible to take your rights away instead of sitting back and hopping it goes alright!
I’d be careful with BHA… they tend to not really stand for much and didn’t say a peep about the wolf prop until it was over. CRWM on the other hand is more about protecting hunting in Co and less about “pint nights” and being hip
BHA will do nothing to help fight in the shutdown of hunting seasons ;they did nothing on the trapping ban in NM, closing the spring bear in WA , early shutdown of the over sea objective wolf hunting in WI, and intro of wolves in Colorado I contacted them each time and zero response. They have millions to donate to left wing politicians opposed to guns and hunting though.

Wake up sportsmen
It is currently a quota system and has been for years. Lions are very tightly managed for a stabile and healthy population.
Lol just like in WA and OR. It’s amazing how dumbed down the “new social media introduced” sportsmen are now
Adios Colorado, I think I’ve seen enough.
I’ll take my hunting and snow skiing $$ elsewhere. Maybe New Mexico or Utah.
This is standard liberal SOP!
The folks pushing for stopping varmint hunting have NO idea about "game management" or the results of "game mismanagement".
Their agenda is based on emotion rather than reality.
They recruit college students who have nothing but time while all the hunting conservatives are out in the woods.
....and who can refuse a Playboy quality cutie passing a petition around while going on about the "poor, mistreated" animals.
Tomorrow, she'll be carrying the newspaper 🗞 photo of a grinning "Sluggo" Mudsmear with the cougar and bear he killed while running his hounds. 😖
Having lived through all the BS here in WA, mostly from liberal transplants I assume, if Denver has it's way, you are all screwed. For good. Good bye cougar hunting, next it will be trapping and bear. Then 20 years later there are so many predators, the deer, elk, moose, etc will be a fraction of what it is now. Oh wait, that's WA now.
That's what many of them want, they want you to stop hunting and if there are no animals left to hunt they've achieved their goal. It's not about the poor animals being killed, they don't like that people hunt. You're supposed to be eating insects by now.
Let alone the average front ranger with $0 dollars invested in hunting or conservation dollars.
.....and THIS is why we have the "Electoral College"!
The Denver "metro mess" votes down mountain lion hunting and the rest of the state has to follow suit.
Even the areas where hunting is a way of life and a means of income for guides, motels, restaurants, etc, etc.
I just received notification that my CO ballot has been mailed to me.

It’s GO TIME Colorado Roksliders. As hunters and outdoors people, this is a moment for us to UNITE. Get registered to vote if you’re not and don’t stop telling your sphere of influence to VOTE NO on Prop 127 in Colorado.

I have sent a ton of emails, talked to a ton of people and spread the word in the most meaningful ways I think are effective. I do have a yard sign in my yard but to me this is the last line of defense.

Let’s do this.
It is funny that this is being introduced as certain areas of California are now advocating to bring back hunting of cats due to the increase in numbers and human interactions but hey you cant fix stupid.
I hope you guys are successful. This initiative will be a bellwether for Washington on whether it'll be on our ballot sooner rather than later.