I usually stay out of the weeds and keep to myself with these posts, but I’ll throw in my two cents regardless.
Hunting *for me* is strictly about meat. It doesn’t matter if the animal has a big rack, a small rack, no rack, or is confused about its gender. I could not, and will not, purposely take a shot that is going to destroy and make inedible unnecessary amounts of meat. The best meat (backstraps and hams) on top of it.
If I had not done my part on the initial shot and had already wounded an animal and am now in “this fuckin sucks” goat rodeo mode. Sure. I’ll shoot at whatever I have to and poke as many holes as necessary to do my due diligence to the critter and put them out of their misery.
What you would never ever catch me doing, -world class trophy or not-, -effective or not- is taking a janky shot like you are describing to “anchor” an animal. If in doing so I am at any risk of smoking a ham or two and ruining 2’ of backstrap. There are other days, there are other bulls out there. If I am behind the gun, and I never get another shot with a better angle, these two bulls are safe.
I don’t even like to shoot things *in* the shoulder unless I absolutely have to. Not because they are “bulletproof”, but because every shoulder I smoke with a bullet is a noticeably smaller pile of meat for me to feed my grinder, and in turn less tacos and shepherds pie I can feed to my family, and more of an animal that I killed going to waste.
Take these shots as you please, but ethically, for me, they do not belong anywhere in my “bag of tricks” for the reasons stated above.