License Fraud help!

Not real common but you can be a non resident in all 50 states with regard to a hunting license.
I think I might fall into this category. I buy non-resident in all the states I hunt or fish. I am way more concerned with residency for tax purposes than I am for game licenses.
Are you saying you can live in one state for 11 months a year yet claim residency in another? Try getting a judge to believe that.
Happens all the few welding buddies that have went longer than that when they live onsite of the job. They never changed their state of residence.

I had a friend that worked on a pipeline with her husband. They bought some giant camper and were living out of that near whatever pipeline they were working on for years.

They had a kid and eventually got divorced. He was still working on the pipeline, she settled in MN with their daughter to get her enrolled in school near her family/hometown. Eventually, he wanted an "official" custody agreement.

WI took the case as this was their last claimed legal residence. The fact that neither had actually lived there in years didn't matter. Ultimately, she had to drop everything and move to WI in 30 days or something like that or they would award full custody to her ex-husband.
Post obviously written by a young person. I would encourage you to delete it, but it is likely that Idaho Fish and Game investigators have already captured it and will present your admissions in your first post as evidence in the case against you. Everyone should understand that all sorts of law enforcement agencies review sites like Rokslde regularly to generate investigative leads, some of which evolve into cases. Don't jump on the train tracks, folks.
Dude, you seriously can't be this naive? You and your wife's name are on a house in another state and you are trying to claim residency in another state?
I own a house in another state, that doesn’t make me a resident in that state. I also have income I pay taxes on in that state, still doesn’t make me a resident.

if he was in school in Idaho as a resident, it will be dismissed most likely. Nonetheless he needs to lawyer up, to examine all caveats and burden of proof
I own a house in another state, that doesn’t make me a resident in that state. I also have income I pay taxes on in that state, still doesn’t make me a resident.

if he was in school in Idaho as a resident, it will be dismissed most likely. Nonetheless he needs to lawyer up, to examine all caveats and burden of proof
I’m happy for you. The OP owns one home and lives in it.
How do you think this will play out for him?
If you're splitting time between a house in Palouse and a bus, good chance the house is your residence. Not the bus. I vote for wherever Palouse is.

"The Palouse" is a geographic area in WA, ID, and OR. "Palouse" is a quaint town in WA, just north of Pullman and just inside the WA-ID border.
For those who care:

“A resident is anyone who has been domiciled in this state with a bona fide intent to make this their place of permanent abode, for a period of not less than 6 months immediately preceding the date of application for any license, tag or permit.”

WTF is going on with GW these days? They get some TV shows and now they are out there doing investigations on everyone and thinking that they are FBI or something.

Then they like to issue citations on stuff done years ago. If we all got speeding tickets for what we did last year, would sure piss us off.

For OP - where is the address on your driver's license? That's what this all comes down to. You claim residency somewhere and that's where you buy Rez hunting/fishing licenses.

It aint rocket scientist. And the GW will probably get a raise for tracking you down. :rolleyes:
WTF is going on with GW these days? They get some TV shows and now they are out there doing investigations on everyone and thinking that they are FBI or something.

Then they like to issue citations on stuff done years ago. If we all got speeding tickets for what we did last year, would sure piss us off.

For OP - where is the address on your driver's license? That's what this all comes down to. You claim residency somewhere and that's where you buy Rez hunting/fishing licenses.

It aint rocket scientist. And the GW will probably get a raise for tracking you down. :rolleyes:

Doh'k. Just need to get a drivers license and park an old bus there you say? WY general elk and Region G tags, here I come!