Hi guys, thanks for all the insight. I’m not necessarily looking for a way to win this, as I can’t afford a lawyer and any arguements made in my defense will be by me, and dealing with government entities isn’t my strong suit. Mostly just trying to wrap my head around how this will go down, as I’ve been given very little information on that from fish and game, and curious how others have approached similar situations before. Primarily worried about license revocation, and anything I can do to downtalk that or get out of it.
For what it’s worth, I have never purchased in state licenses in a state other than Idaho, but have purchased non-resident fishing licenses in Oregon and Washington.
We consider our schoolie our domicile, although it sounds like this is a weird thing, and maybe that can’t be done. It is in Idaho, and we return to it frequently. Time spent in each state is close to split, with probably more hours spent in Idaho, but sleeping in Washington more often.
Anyway, thanks for any advice!