Kill kit weights and ideas. Lets see yours? Ideas?

So that's what those are for, I guess I shouldn't have cut mine off, lol. That's a great idea.

My kit comes in around 15-16oz. usually in a gallon ziploc
Outdoor Edge 3.5
3 blades, 1 gut hook blade
5 - Deboned game bags off ebay, some weigh an ounce, some others 1.5oz.
2 or 3 nitrile gloves
small diameter paracord(extra paracord in surv/misc. kit if needed)
Tag + zip tie or two
If E-tag - sharpie + few feet of survey ribbon
I cut them off after they are in the game bags. For some reason I like having that lower leg as a handle of sorts to move around, but I definitely don't carry it out.
Well, it's a hell of a lot easier to say than, "The shit I use to field dress and process an animal after I kill it," kit.
I thought the same thing when I first heard the term. Them I realized I could keep it all organized and neat in a bag, and I would always know I had what I needed. Before, it was just in a compartment in my pack.

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Here’s what I’m working with :
View attachment 549451
View attachment 549450
I’m not sure on the weight. The full kit is a little overkill but for antelope and deer hunting I dump the sharpener, saw, fixed blade, plastic sheeting, extra extra headlamp, and rope.

I’ve used these Ajillis game bags for several years with only the occasional swap out of new ones. They’re a great value buy and high quality. Elk fit perfectly too:
Deer/Antelope 6pc Game Bag Set
Think ill order a set of those bags, thanks for the heads up
@Hoytxl2009 @DeePow @ScreamingPotato - Nite ize cam jam of the metal variety (XT version) is your friend. Use it with 550 paracord, perfect match. Use it to hoist quarters up; it is self-arresting, which means no more wrestling with meat, panicking that it will come crashing down to the ground, bear-hugging it, or holding it between your legs. Definitely a useful item.
Really like the Idea of the Nite ize cam, totally going to steal this.
I learned a cool trick with using both your trekking poles and running the leg through the wrist strap to hold the leg up when doing it by yourself. Worked great for me so far. The pulley idea would work awesome as well!
I was today's years old when I learned I am an idiot for not doing this. I have shot bulls 3 years in a row on solo hunts and those back legs have kicked my ass each and every time. Not all hero's wear capes my friend, thank you.
I was today's years old when I learned I am an idiot for not doing this. I have shot bulls 3 years in a row on solo hunts and those back legs have kicked my ass each and every time. Not all hero's wear capes my friend, thank you.
I felt like a dummy never thinking of it either once i saw it on a video, and realized how simple it was Definitely safer too as the havalon has almost amputated my fingers a few times trying to hold that leg up.
Also to add to the thread the Argali line is the absolute shit. I run the 17x29 bags for front shoulders and straps and cut off meat. I sewed up my own 22x30 bags for rears and capes. I sewed these out of 1.0 MONOLITE but if I was to do it again I would go with the 1.5 oz. material. Argali carbon knife will hold an edge through about 80% of a bull elk if you are careful. I also run the Kodiak belt so a quick run through on the strop will get you back to sharp to finish. Wearing the belt adds zero weight to your backpack.
2# 5oz. Includes about4-5 game bags, knife, mall rope, latex gloves, zip ties and license. I also carry a Wyoming Saw in my pack, but that is used for other things as well.
One addition to what I have seen most of you guys post is a cut resistant glove on my non-dominant hand- over the rubber/ nitrile glove.

Had one close call that was saved by a fingernail from being bad, and decided I was going to always have a cut resistant glove on that hand.

Not sure the weight, but see they have made a forearm sleeve that might make it in my kill kit as well. Might be to long though.

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Really like the Idea of the Nite ize cam, totally going to steal this.
Nite Ize cam sounds good.
Gave up using para cord years ago. Now we use Dyneema 700 ld test super braid. Stronger, lighter, stands up to dragging over tree branches when hanging food bags (horse and human) away from bears. Kind of pricey but 50 ft or more probably weighs an ounce.
My kill kit consists of a knife and some game bags. Also they're not in a "kit" but rather just in my backpack. Some of you guys crack me up what you bring.