If you could move and live anywhere in the lower 48 where would you go?

Kooskia, ID

I lived here for a bit when I worked for the Forest a service. Rural community, great people, & on the edge of the Selway.
I've spent a ton of time in/around Kooskia, it's freaking awesome. Great big game hunting and steelhead fishing, no people.
If WA state had 5M less people and a functioning government it'd be my pick with no close second.

Since neither of those things will ever happen again in my lifetime the Idaho panhandle and NW Montana will have to do, and they're remarkable places in their own right
What part of the coast?

My boat lives in Newport from April to November. Throw me a pm if you’re over and I’ll take you fishing.

My dad lived the last 14 years of his life bumming around from Coos Bay to Depoe Bay with couple year stints in most of the towns in between before he bought a house in Waldport where he lived until he passed in 2020 at 86. I have friends up and down the coast there Brookings to Garibaldi but we usually spend our vacations in the Newport and Depoe Bay area. Used to be out there every other month but now that dad is gone, we still try for once or twice a year. If they keep the 2 halibut per day limit we might make 2 trips this spring because my wife really like the electric reel I got her for halibut fishing and halibut and elk steak go do good together! 🤤

No real order
Fl (key West)
WV really isn't bad, get all the weather, majority is remote and rural.
Same with deep southeast Ohio. This part could be its own state, it is so different from the rest of Ohio
Pretty good where I am but thinking of a move it would be to CB (Crested Butte). Aspen w the international airport would be nice. If it were out of state Jackson/Alpine would be the spot….
"I lived in SE Wyoming for 6 years and really liked it although the wind and hail storms are no joke (had one car totaled, another damaged one year and a new roof the next). It wasn't for everyone, saw folks come and go and good job opportunities were pretty limited, but I'd go back if I didn't need to work, the hunting was amazing.

I did see Northern Colorado change a lot in that timeframe, lots of folks from Cali and a hard shift left. Still pretty country, but the governance got weird, I think they are trying to ban most semi-autos again this year, don't think I could do CO.

I always thought Idaho would be nice, but I've heard it's gotten like Montana in that you need to have serious money to get much in the way of property, don't know if that's true.

Grew up in North GA and I'd go back to the rural parts of mountains there or NC or Tennessee. Live in Middle Tennessee now and like it, I was able to get a chunk of land where I can hunt, shoot, tool around and be left alone, without having to be wealthy to do so, something to be said for that I suppose."

Yep, it's true. Been here fifty years and I've seen it. That being said, the better deals can be had at the higher end of the cost spectrum, both in the quality of a house and the size of the property.
I'd love to do 8 months in BC then 4 in the keys but with the prices of real estate and marina fee's these days that isn't gonna happen.
Born and raised in Montana. Spent my purgatory years in Washington and came back. I love the public land freedom, hate the cities, state govt, and migrants from the coast. Pray for cold as hell weather to drive the pilgrims out.
At our core, we are a nomadic species and I am working on being a full time nomad.

The tech today makes it much easier to work from anywhere, so trying to take advantage of that. Kentucky in the spring and fall. AZ over the winter, and MT/WY/CO over the summer.
No love for Oregon.

I don’t blame you.

It’s a beautiful state but so poorly managed.

No Love for NV either. Too dry here for me. We are looking at OR (South of Eugene possibly) as one of our options. We are used to the politics situation. Las Vegas runs our state for the most part. OR, ID, TX are on our list. Oregon for climate, ID might be too cold in the winter, TX might be too hot in the summer.
No Love for NV either. Too dry here for me. We are looking at OR (South of Eugene possibly) as one of our options. We are used to the politics situation. Las Vegas runs our state for the most part. OR, ID, TX are on our list. Oregon for climate, ID might be too cold in the winter, TX might be too hot in the summer.

I grew up in Eugene. I live north of Coburg now. Feel free to reach out for info. A developer is putting in 10 new lots just south of me, don’t know what your timeline/budget is.

Do some research on the unfunded PERS liability.

I used to say Idaho, but the older I get the more cold weather hurts.
Yes, it gets "cold" here on the Gulf Coast. I dont care for 14' weather or snow.
If I could have a dos XX ranch full of game I'd say TX.
If not, then AZ?,,,or maybe just stay where I am.
Eastern Iowa. I love that you can drive almost anywhere conus in 2 days. The midwest does not have the elk, mule deer, antelope that everyone loves. But hunting big whitetails, great waterfowling, and fishing the Mississippi river can definitely scratch the sportsman itch. Less prone to extreme weather events as other parts of the country (nowhere is safe from all). Not a sexy answer, but it checks a lot of boxes wirhout huge drawbacks.
As a nonresident, I used to wonder why so few people lived in Wyoming. As a resident, I now understand.

The hunting opportunities are great, but that’s a few months at best. WY also offers world-class snow shoveling for up to half the year.
