If you could move and live anywhere in the lower 48 where would you go?

I had the opportunity to visit all 50 states and live in 8 of them:
New Hampshire
New York

I would live in Key West (Florida) and learn to take the heat because it is arguably the best year around fishing in the USA. If that didn't work out Tennessee would be my second choice. I would never move back to PA or CO even if you paid me and gave me a free house.
One of my good friends spent 2 years after high school living on the beach diving and fishing in Key West back in the 60's. He said it was the best time of his life.
I moved to Colorado from Oklahoma when I was 16 an hated it. Moved back to OK when I turned 18. Looking back, I should have hung around. If I didn't have kids now, I'd probably live back up there. My dad and sisters and their family's still live there. I go visit and hunt/fish as much as possible now.
There are ALOT of people that have decided central/east TN is a good place to live. Somehow the cat got out of the bag during Covid!
I have been going out west fishing and hunting for over 20 years and hands down love Montana, specifically the Missoula area. 2nd choice would be Wyoming near the MT. Border. 3rd choice would be somewhere in the more mountainous, hilly areas of North Carolina.
No love for South Louisiana? Hahaha, neither me…it’s just where I’m born and now have job to support family.
I would choose Idaho. I have had some good experiences with several people there while hunting. I've also had some hunters flip me off as I drive by or mouth a few choice words.

By Idaho is close to CA and my family is all here. Plus my business. So until I move on from that, I'm not going anywhere.

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Arizona or Idaho for me. If my wife would go, I would try somewhere down south. Mostly just tired of the cold. Idaho would be getting back to family.

But then I see the waterfowl hunting the Midwest has and think that would be nice.

So, hell if I know.
I'm as far north as my wife will allow, and really got that on a technicality. SWCO works for us, ain't easy to get here, and none of the family is close which is a huge PITA. Can chase seasons and often change them by heading an hour in different directions.

Coming from the SE (NC/SC/TN), there is something missing here that's hard to describe, but I can't see ever headed back to the SE. Too many people, makes me twitchy even sitting inside where I can't see em.
Born and raised in Indiana (birth - 24), lived in metro Atlanta for 5 years, and now back in Indiana. Loved Atlanta for proximity to the Appalachian’s. We spent 80% of our weekends up in north Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. If it weren’t for the majority of our friends and family being in IN we probably wouldn’t have left Georgia.

Having said that, I’m quite found of the Gunnison area in Colorado. Seems like a lot of other folks are too.

I’d love to have a place on the coast somewhere in the southeast to fish and be a beach bum and then a place somewhere in the mountains for solitude. Maybe one day (countdown to 59.5).
I lived in SE Wyoming for 6 years and really liked it although the wind and hail storms are no joke (had one car totaled, another damaged one year and a new roof the next). It wasn't for everyone, saw folks come and go and good job opportunities were pretty limited, but I'd go back if I didn't need to work, the hunting was amazing.

I did see Northern Colorado change a lot in that timeframe, lots of folks from Cali and a hard shift left. Still pretty country, but the governance got weird, I think they are trying to ban most semi-autos again this year, don't think I could do CO.

I always thought Idaho would be nice, but I've heard it's gotten like Montana in that you need to have serious money to get much in the way of property, don't know if that's true.

Grew up in North GA and I'd go back to the rural parts of mountains there or NC or Tennessee. Live in Middle Tennessee now and like it, I was able to get a chunk of land where I can hunt, shoot, tool around and be left alone, without having to be wealthy to do so, something to be said for that I suppose.
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