If you could move anywhere?

I have concerns after working in Alaska about being limited to boat or plane transportation. It would be quite a readjusment in thinking as to logistics.
Generally speaking, the hunting is harder and more expensive than in the lesser 48. Depending on where you live up here, it’s much harder to be successful trying to do “weekend” trips. The country is big and the weather is bad.
Alaska has been a great place to live and raise a family. I don’t care to be here in the middle of the summer anymore. Far too crowded. In a lot of areas of the state, the hunting has taken a hit for a few different reasons. One being over hunted. Overcrowding.
That's good to know. I wouldn't have thought about crowds in the summer, but that makes sense. Thanks
lived in sydney Australia my whole life and have always dreamed of moving to the USA for the hunting and country life style but reading this whole thread is making me think its not what iv always thought it was
lived in sydney Australia my whole life and have always dreamed of moving to the USA for the hunting and country life style but reading this whole thread is making me think its not what iv always thought it was
No place is perfect, but I wouldn’t let a bunch of folks complaining on here deter you. The internet is great at turning small problems into big problems.
lived in sydney Australia my whole life and have always dreamed of moving to the USA for the hunting and country life style but reading this whole thread is making me think its not what iv always thought it was
God Bless America. Come on over you will love it. Move to the midwest and you will never look back.
Moved to western Montana in 1995 was incredible then hunting great loved the weather, but lots of change starting with the wolves, more people not a problem, but they leave a state they don't like and bring some if not all of those ideals with them here. Game department that is all about selling as many tags as they can and no care about the resource this state should be the very best for big game but sadly it keeps getting worse. Not sure what the answer is for this great state but would not be my choice as one to move too.
I think money is the actual answer to this question.

Unlimited money, then it doesn't matter where you live. You can have 3 or 4 properties you like.

Classical middle-class (which is actually poor). Live in the cheapest place you can afford, that offers what you want out of life.

Poor. Live in the cheapest place you can afford.
Honestly agree with Brian.. everyone wants to move to western MT but the fact is you are 15 years too late. The quality of almost all of our hunting and fishing is staying the same or getting worse and the population is now much higher so the strain is evident and increasing each season. It’s a bit disheartening to see.
Honestly agree with Brian.. everyone wants to move to western MT but the fact is you are 15 years too late. The quality of almost all of our hunting and fishing is staying the same or getting worse and the population is now much higher so the strain is evident and increasing each season. It’s a bit disheartening to see.

I hunted with an outfitter in the bitterroots in 2014. He coined Conner as “the prettiest place in the world to starve to death “ due to the rising costs. Maybe he just wanted me to keep my arse in ohio lol

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Trying like hell. If you know anyone in CS/Monument in manufacturing- supply chain give me the heads up lol.

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I think I know a couple of folks that are in that industry but would be in or close to Denver. Not sure if that helps or not.