If you could move anywhere?

Honestly could never see myself moving. BUT if I WAS, and it seems like the common answer: Montana. I just loved it when I visited Glacier NP. Tourist tinted glasses.
Wyoming, Utah, or Arizona. Pick the elevation and the temperature you’d like to live in and drive to the ones you dont.
Honestly could never see myself moving. BUT if I WAS, and it seems like the common answer: Montana. I just loved it when I visited Glacier NP. Tourist tinted glasses.
Hi Crowfeather, I'm always curious to hear others stories - wondering where you live that you wouldn't leave? Reasons?

Hi Crowfeather, I'm always curious to hear others stories - wondering where you live that you wouldn't leave? Reasons?

Born and raised here; too much old family history I suppose lol! Mom moved to Texas and still couldn't bring myself to leave the ol' state. I've worked seasonally in many different places but the woods here really feel like home.
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Born and raised Washingtonian; too much old family history here I suppose lol! Mom moved to Texas and still couldn't bring myself to leave the ol' rain state. I've worked seasonally in many different states but the woods here really feel like home. Just have to slog through the awful politics.

I keep thinking about migrating to the drier side though...
I hear you and understand - thought maybe you were in some awful place like Texas :)
Old thread, but in response to OP's question, I think one of the best places "for a conservative family with 2 boys looking to move west" would be Rapid City South Dakota or the surrounding area - places like Sturgis and Spearfish. My family loved living there and only moved to get closer to family.

It's not quite "west" by some standards, but it's west enough. Just a few hours from the big mountains in Wyoming, and the Black Hills offer a lot of amazing opportunities for recreation and hunting.

I also like Casper, Wyoming.
I'm a retired guy who escaped CA after being there my whole life. We kind of DID move where we wanted to Lakeside AZ, near Show Low. Now if I could have a summer/winter house set up.....Summer-Cody, WY........winter-Zihjuatanejo MX.
I’ve wanted to move to ID or Montana for a while but lately I’ve been thinking of going back home to northern New Mexico. Grew up just outside of ABQ but Taos has been tugging at me recently.
Taos and owning a bunch of acreage nearby is a goal of mine.
If i could move anywhere....

I'm not particular in regards to which state. It would be Wyoming, Montana, idaho, new Mexico and Utah.

I would not live in a town, but far enough from roads and freeways I don't see or hear them. But close enough that I can take my wife to dinner. I need vast swaths of public land and the opportunity to hunt year-round.

I just want to be left alone and enjoy my family and the outdoors.

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If i could move anywhere....

I'm not particular in regards to which state. It would be Wyoming, Montana, idaho, new Mexico and Utah.

I would not live in a town, but far enough from roads and freeways I don't see or hear them. But close enough that I can take my wife to dinner. I need vast swaths of public land and the opportunity to hunt year-round.

I just want to be left alone and enjoy my family and the outdoors.

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This is the real American dream.

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If i could move anywhere, I’ll say Idaho. There are lot of opportunities and places to explore your hunt