Gun ban

The ar12 angle might be good. Most politicians blathering on about guns don't know what their talking about. I've heard them make some really uniformed comments. We'll give them every piece of crap $199 (probably higher with inflation ) century arms ar12 and call it a compromise. It's black and scary looking. Just think how warm and fuzzy they'll feel getting these "weapons of war" off the streets. Lol
Look at homicide in Australia from the ban in 1996 until around 2002. The numbers stayed about the same. They started dropping after that. So what caused the drop? If it was the gun ban, why did it take 6 yrs?
The ban was voluntary- sort of. It vetted owners, registered firearms and took 650,000 guns out of circulation. I think that amounted to about 30% estimated firearms in Australia in 1996. As people applied for permits many were found to be incapable of firearms ownership( mental illness, criminal history et el) and they were disarmed. As that happened there was a decrease in suicides Australia likely counts suicides as homicides so rate reduction.

Australia also had a drug issue in the 90s, when they turned from a policy of war on drugs to harm reduction homicode rates dropped.

Then they attacked the finances of motorcycle gangs instead of a resting low level members and the Rate dropped some more

Caveat- the Australia model is largely flawed and I am in no was a proponet of bans, buy backs et el. Just trying to provide some context as to why it MAY have reduced gun deaths.

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politicians pander for votes....maybe a very small % abide by their oath anymore..same for law enforcement. We are at a dangerous crossroad and the direction the nation will be take in the future seems obvious to me, good luck fellas.