Appeals Court Lifts Hold on Measure 114, Ruling that Oregon Gun Law is Constitutional

I guess they think the criminals are going to hand over all their guns? Oops, oh yeah, they don't mind the criminals being criminals and doing their thing. Don't retaliate, just let them have it, they need it, they are underprivileged and deserve it because others have more than them.
Also, the problem with things like this happening is that if it sticks, in Oregon for example, it soon will be adopted in other states.
Look at how CA and N.Y. gun laws have spread through out the country.
If you think “just move” or that “it can’t happen here” you may be in for a rude awakening.
The blue left is spreading.
The problem is that states keep trying to get similar laws passed that have already been struck down by SCOTUS. Unfortunately there are no consequences for blatantly going against their oath to uphold the constitution.

You are correct about it not happening “in my state”. Take CO for example, who would have thought they would turn into what they are now.
The problem is that states keep trying to get similar laws passed that have already been struck down by SCOTUS. Unfortunately there are no consequences for blatantly going against their oath to uphold the constitution.

You are correct about it not happening “in my state”. Take CO for example, who would have thought they would turn into what they are now.
Yeah, even the South, don't say it can't.
So if the law is upheld, will you turn in your guns? I wouldn't. When you decide that protecting your family is more important than the penalties for breaking the new gun law of the month it doesn't matter anymore. If you think about it, anytime you protect yourself with a firearm you risk going to jail no matter what state you are in.
Guns, what guns? I lost those years ago. But, if by chance I did have some I would never turn them over. Thankfully I live where our sheriff is firmly against anything anti 2A.
Also, the problem with things like this happening is that if it sticks, in Oregon for example, it soon will be adopted in other states.
Look at how CA and N.Y. gun laws have spread through out the country.
If you think “just move” or that “it can’t happen here” you may be in for a rude awakening.
The blue left is spreading.
The reason these problems are here is because of the implants from our southern state. They won’t stop moving here and bringing their baggage with them. I don’t ever plan on moving and this is no rude awakening. Californianis have been ruining our state for years.
So if the law is upheld, will you turn in your guns? I wouldn't. When you decide that protecting your family is more important than the penalties for breaking the new gun law of the month it doesn't matter anymore. If you think about it, anytime you protect yourself with a firearm you risk going to jail no matter what state you are in.
That’s a silly question “will you turn in your guns?” This won’t take our guns or 10+ round magazines.