CO dems at it again with gun bans

Blame it on CA when it's your Universities cranking out liberals thats changing your voter base.

Do you realize the vast majority of Californians leaving the state are Conservatives that hate liberal policy?
I don't own a university. And our voter base hasn't changed much in decades. This state has been circling the drain for a long time.
All this will do is increase illegal gun trafficking. With 100% background checks all legal sales of semi autos will stop. If there is a grandfather clause any gun in the state prior to the cutoff and before 2013 will be sold without a check and nothing they can do about it. That was already happening, but it will become more common now.

Colorado used to be a great state. Not so much anymore.
This is a dumbsh*t piece of legislation. I get that we all want fewer school and church shootings... but this is just dumb.

It's like mandating that cars can't be easily refueled because sometimes people are killed by cars.
CO, NY, NJ, IL . . etc. all the libs have dug in their heels and are going to continue to make life as difficult as possible for law abiding gun owners meanwhile doing NOTHING about actual criminals.