How to get my suppressor to Colorado for an elk hunt?????

Lock it in a Plano Vault with your rifle, use 4 decent padlocks, and don't disclose to anyone that you have it in your vehicle. If it's not readily accessible then you should be protected by federal law to transport it.

Your car also has a suppressor on it.

As others mentioned, can always get legal advice from someone qualified to dispense accurate information.

It's an unjust law...disobey.
I'd be more concerned about my suppressor getting stolen/lost in the mail than I would getting stopped and having a cop search my car just because he feels like it, pull my bags out, sort through my underwear and socks, find my suppressor, and be a douche enough to arrest me for it (although, if he is already douche enough to dig through everything and trash my car without the strong reasonable suspicion of drugs, then he is definitely the douche who would arrest you lol.)

I am a cop in Illinois and I would never arrest a traveling nonresident for having a legally owned suppressor, I actually live in Iowa and have some Illinois banned goodies myself (at my home in Iowa), but I do for sure know there are tyrant agencies and 'just following orders' officers out there and I don't like them anymore than you. As a cop, I can tell you, If your car doesn't smell like weed or alcohol, you will almost certainly not be searched.....We aren't digging through your car and all your luggage on a random flip of a coin. That's too much work lol. So that leads me back to losing it in the mail being more likely.