Government Checks

We might as well say this is an advanced tax rebate. We might as well take it knowing were just giving it back.
Spending it might be a good way to help the economy. Especially at small businesses.
You’ve had to much Jones juice!
Hey Bernie Bro, just got your PM here calling me a coward, Also viewed your Trump "hoax" video.
The "hoax" Trump was referring to was EVERYTHING that the Demcrats throw at him as an issue: Russia, Impeachment, etc, etc.. I watched that rally live as it was happening. Trump downplayed Covid early on, IMHO, and he shouldn't have, but he never called it a hoax.
Seems to me that all the Bernie Bros are butthurt about Bernie slinking away into obscurity after using their Snowflake asses.
for the libs/dems/socialists and #neverTrumpers on here (all one in the same) .. NO, Trump didnt call the Wuhan virus a hoax ... here is the truth to burst your snowflake bubble ....

for the libs/dems/socialists and #neverTrumpers on here (all one in the same) .. NO, Trump didnt call the Wuhan virus a hoax ... here is the truth to burst your snowflake bubble ....

Hey Bernie Bro, just got your PM here calling me a coward, Also viewed your Trump "hoax" video.
The "hoax" Trump was referring to was EVERYTHING that the Demcrats throw at him as an issue: Russia, Impeachment, etc, etc.. I watched that rally live as it was happening. Trump downplayed Covid early on, IMHO, and he shouldn't have, but he never called it a hoax.
Seems to me that all the Bernie Bros are butthurt about Bernie slinking away into obscurity after using their Snowflake asses.
Okay dokay smokay!

There are a lot of people that can use this money. I hope it actually gets dispersed to them in a timely manner.