Government Checks

I'm conservative and very against socialism. However, this has pandemic has changed me in many ways. Alot of people are going to be hurting emotionally, physically and financially from this for several months. Actually, we don't know how long the fall out will be. Is 1Trillion enough? I don't think its even close. The nation will need 2-3 months of help for every sector and that could require 3-4 trillion. It sounds crazy but this virus is horrible. I'm on the frontlines of this pandemic and its ugly. Thank the lord that I'm still getting paid and with hazard pay. I wont be suffering. However, millions of people will. We all need to support what the President is trying to do right now and get off our ignorant high horses about who gets what.
Socialism is by definition the means of production, distribution, products and exchanges controlled by the community, but this is controlled by the state so it's worse. The problem is that a lot of people above X income aren't getting anything back. So please tell me what their fair share is and why somebody else deserves it?
Because they worked too hard and paid too much money into the "system" as you said, someone else gets to take advantage of that?
Great freakin point dude...

Hey bro

I think everyone that pays into system should get money back. I won't be getting a check because I worked too hard my entire life and make too much now but I aint complaining because at this point more people need it than me and I hope it helps our country and hopefully will trickle down to small business owners. Ive always tried to keep at least 3 months of living expense even when I made min wage ( Now I have a year) but I never went out to eat, no vacations , most years no hunting and drove a beater. If this is a continual payment system and they raise taxes then ill be pissed.

I am concerned about our debt and current culture though. The economy is to undergo a major correction and the people just skating by in life are going to get a big wake up call. No more eating out 5 to 6 days a week, when you have no savings and no more $7 every day day at Starbucks for a 35 cent cup of coffee, going on multiple vacations a year when you have zero savings, and no retirement savings, no more buying a new car or truck that costs as much as your annual earnings. Millions of adults working part time and living at home with their parents and living off of their parents. Having 3 to 5 credit cards maxed out while earning a $100, 000 a year and no money towards retirement. No more Selfish behavior like Partying on spring break during quarantines in virus hot zones.

Soon -people will have to actually compete for jobs and if they don't produce will be fired.

Ant and the grasshopper once again

Be some interesting times six months from now. Be lots of screaming and crying and crazy hysterics on social media platforms. Should be entertaining. Ill continue helping out people that actually need it like the old and physically impaired like I do now.
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Oh ok, I get it now, its socialism with extra steps.

Maybe no one should ever get any tax credits or deductions, that’s socialism as well then based on your logic. Please don’t accept medicare or social security as well, it’s no different then paying in a tax.
Self employed in a solo home repair business and had 2 months of work booked, now I have a few days due to cancellations yesterday and today.
A handout and stimulus are two different things. Would you rather limp across the finish line or drop out of the race? This is essentially an attempt to thwart something worse.

Will it work? Doubtful. Most folks can’t handle a $400 emergency. But then again, it might just be enough to keep moving.

No better place to be im the world than right here and folks are free to leave.
Limits are < $75,000 and < $150,000 full checks for single and married respectively. Under $100,000 & $200,000 will get reduced form respectively. Statistically speaking, that means ~90% of people be gettin checks
I guess I just did not think I was anywhere near the top 10%. Sure as hell does not feel like it!! Can't wait until they start paying for college for families making less than xxx,xxx and after I pay for my kids college, I will be lower than xxx,xxx. Seems pretty fair.
sure enough to tee off the #neverTrumpers and dems.. er ah socialists ... and this is from a mostly dem/lib outlet (ABC) ..

As far as I am concerned they can keep the $ and spend it on keeping people home so we can get the spike to flat is go time for me, want to get a lot of work done before the temps get up there. No one wants to spend $ on what I do with all the uncertainty around this. I am sure a lot of folks are in a similar boat thou. We have the stress of this kung flu issue and all the uncertainties associated with it and then added financial stress. To top that now the media is focusing on berating the president...I am sick of it.
A few grand is not going to make up for loosing a month or more of work and that is what may happen. I cannot make that up, ever.....and I am sure others are in the same boat.
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damn making $150,000 a year as a married couple your shiting in high cotton out here in sodak.
Yeah it's interesting, that amount of gov't help won't even move the needle in a lot of places. 1200? 2 weeks worth of rent.
I know thats crazy. I built a new house for less than what a piece of garbage costs in the city and got an acre of land with it.

Thats great! A lot of people living in high cost ares on the coast belittle people that live in fly over country. A good deal of the population refuse to move for work or lower cost of living areas. And I lived on both coasts in big cities with high cost of living. My goal was to not have to live there the rest of my life and made it happen.