Government Checks

I think the re-finance window is closing as we speak. My neighbors re-finance closed on Monday and they pulled out some money and had a rate just a hair over

I inquired with my best friends mom who is a loan officer and she said they were not all that low.

Not an expert, but I think the banks are starting to want to hang on to the cash they have instead of letting everyone pull money out in large chunks for a 15 or 30 year loan commitment that all of a sudden has a much different risk calculus.
If Trump send me a government check I'll donate it to him campaign:)
I’m donating mine to Biden Or Bernie the open borders free healthcare , free college for the tens of millions of illegal aliens candidates . We need some real leadership in this crisis.
Found a Savage 311 for sale. When I get my Uncle Sugar check gonna buy it.

Unless the panickers buy it first. Maybe I'll buy a new backpack instead. And a kegerator. 😁
All politics aside...If we do get the 1-2K it'll pay for nearly all of my POW bear hunt in May.

EDIT: I also need an Alpine Touring ski setup and a custom rifle and a raft and a fishing boat and an automated brewing system and more fishing gear and a gravel bike...this isn't going to come even close to my "needs"
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This was all conspiracy by China... release the virus, crash the economy, debt-ridden U.S. government borrows billions (from China?) to send out $1000 checks for Americans to buy more cheap Chinese made goods to provide more money for China to loan to the U.S.........
That would make sense if China hadn't also nuked its own economy. Plus, American taxpayers own most of the federal deficit. China and Japan are the largest foreign owners, ~5% a piece.
If I get the check I'm getting new boots first. That way I have a good new pair on hand if things do get worse, boots are something I can't make for myself that I use every day. I planned to buy them before the caribou hunt I have booked in September anyway. This will put some of the money I get back into the economy.

The rest is going to be turned into cash and set back for right now with the rest of the money I've saved up both for the trip and for life's unexpected events. If the trip doesn't take place I'll decide what to do with everything exceeding my emergency fund at that point.

I won't get into the right or wrong of the checks to much. I can see the long term downside, but I also see the government waste money on far dumber things than putting cash in the hands of it's citizens for them to make their own decisions with. In a way I kinda like the idea of having a little say in how the money we pay the government gets spent for a change.
I'm against the government giving my money to ....people. I'll settle for them giving some of my own money back to me. I'd love if they never took it from me in the first place.
This, shame on some of you guys for wishing this on us. What good is money if there IS NO FOOD.
Watch the other hand fellas!

I just ordered 100 lbs of rice for $60 through a friend, will be here Friday.
Changed the oil in the generators, stacked the woodpiles. FIlled all the gas jugs.
Feelling thankful.
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Reading that some politicians are pushing for as much as $4500 per person. Sounds like it’s going to be individualized based on income factors and possibly dependents.
I think the re-finance window is closing as we speak. My neighbors re-finance closed on Monday and they pulled out some money and had a rate just a hair over

I inquired with my best friends mom who is a loan officer and she said they were not all that low.

Not an expert, but I think the banks are starting to want to hang on to the cash they have instead of letting everyone pull money out in large chunks for a 15 or 30 year loan commitment that all of a sudden has a much different risk calculus.
Mortgage rates are usually always two quarters behind. They aren't exactly tied to the fed rate but they're never far off either.

I'd be extremely surprised if the rate you get today is lower than the one you'd get in September or October when the real impact of all this hits the peak or is really steaming along.
I’ll take the money and put towards the mortgage. BTW, where is the senior advisor Ivanka? She’s nowhere to be found. Distancing herself from DADDY and his HOAX?

$500 billion broken up into 2 payments.

First payment of $1000 per adult + $500 per child.

A second payment will be available 6 weeks later if there is still an emergency
This was all conspiracy by China... release the virus, crash the economy, debt-ridden U.S. government borrows billions (from China?) to send out $1000 checks for Americans to buy more cheap Chinese made goods to provide more money for China to loan to the U.S.........