Government Checks

I wish they had an opt out button I could push. My wife and I don't need it. Have a 10mo old girl and we are set up just fine. Got savings for a couple years. Our jobs aren't going anywhere and if they do $2500 bucks for my household is the least of my worries as the world at that point has literally burnt to the ground.

We have already discussed, if we get a check or checks or however it will work...Donating it/helping people we know are legitimately struggling. I won't justify getting the check or buying a new toy with it I plain and simply don't need it.

As with any "hand out" some people really do need help and I understand that just hate the govt has to be the one to do it. On the other hand a lot of people that are going to get this extra hand out already completely live of the govt so what the hell are they behind on? Also know a few people that make 2-3x more than me and my wife that will probably get a check that don't "need" it but claim they will because they are or will be behind on all there loan payments. When in fact they were always at that point because they make stupid choices and live beyond their income anyways.

I agree in a time like this people are going to need I agree with the Govt sending the money I agree with people not needing it using it for purchasing toys etc. absolutely not. Go support a local business or help a family that is actually struggling.
When looking at the income limits of the new proposal, it appears a lot of us will not get anything. I think they put the income limits far too low.
here is the limits on who gets what amounts .... if your over $99K, you wont see it, if joint filers are over 198K, you wont see it ... all based on 2018 tax filing ...

Here's who qualifies under the proposal and how much you would receive: (from Newsweek)

Less than $75,000: $1,200 check.

More than $75,000: "the rebate amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 a taxpayer's income exceeds the phase-out threshold" up to $99,000, the plan states. That means someone who made $80,000 would receive $950, $85,000 would get $700 and $90,000 would get $450.

Married couples who filed a joint return
Less than $150,000: $2,400 check.

More than $150,000: "the rebate amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 a taxpayer's income exceeds the phase-out threshold" up to $198,000, the proposal says. That means a couple who made $160,000 would get $1,900, $170,000 would receive $1,400 and $180,000 would get $900.

For each child, the amount received will be increased by $500.

Additional Details
Those who are diagnosed with coronavirus or suffer "adverse financial consequences due to it" would be able to tap into their 401(k)s and their Individual Retirement Accounts without penalty.

Taxpayers with little or no income tax liability but at least $2,500 of qualifying income, such as earned income, Social Security retirement benefits, and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans, would be eligible for a minimum rebate check of $600 for individuals and $1,200 for married couples.
When looking at the income limits of the new proposal, it appears a lot of us will not get anything. I think they put the income limits far too low.
Limits are < $75,000 and < $150,000 full checks for single and married respectively. Under $100,000 & $200,000 will get reduced form respectively. Statistically speaking, that means ~90% of people be gettin checks
Limits are < $75,000 and < $150,000 full checks for single and married respectively. Under $100,000 & $200,000 will get reduced form respectively. Statistically speaking, that means ~90% of people be gettin checks
One thing they didn’t think about, individuals divorced after tax day last year, this could be interesting for those that don’t get along.
One good thing that may come out of this is people learning to live within their means, have a 6 month emergency fund that covers everything.

I remember grandma washing plastic cups, ziplocks, never wasting a thing. Ever. If we all lived more like that this wouldn’t be near as big a deal, I’m guilty of many things as well. Time to learn to dial it in, shoot that old 30-06 that is good enough, use that pack that hurts a bit, and hunt in less than instagramable outfits.

One good thing is if gas is $1.50 in the fall, I won’t need much to go on a hunt.
Again, for those in 'Rio Linda' ...... ;0)

Here's who qualifies under the proposal and how much you would receive:

Less than $75,000: $1,200 check.

More than $75,000: "the rebate amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 a taxpayer's income exceeds the phase-out threshold" up to $99,000, the plan states. That means someone who made $80,000 would receive $950, $85,000 would get $700 and $90,000 would get $450.

Married couples who filed a joint return
Less than $150,000: $2,400 check.

More than $150,000: "the rebate amount is reduced by $5 for each $100 a taxpayer's income exceeds the phase-out threshold" up to $198,000, the proposal says. That means a couple who made $160,000 would get $1,900, $170,000 would receive $1,400 and $180,000 would get $900.

For each child, the amount received will be increased by $500.

Additional Details
Those who are diagnosed with coronavirus or suffer "adverse financial consequences due to it" would be able to tap into their 401(k)s and their Individual Retirement Accounts without penalty.

Taxpayers with little or no income tax liability but at least $2,500 of qualifying income, such as earned income, Social Security retirement benefits, and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans, would be eligible for a minimum rebate check of $600 for individuals and $1,200 for married couples.
I hope someone said it in this thread: not everyone low or middle class needs a check. My family doesn't need a check. I'd rather those now filing unemployment because of this were to take home bigger checks, something 80-90% of what they were making when they were working. Enough to take care of them, not so much that they stop looking for work doing something else.
As a self described Libertarian that couldn’t swallow my vomit and vote for the clown with the scripted lies (Hillary) and the clown with the unscripted and impulsive lies (Trump), i think most here are missing the point. It’s my view people need to be left to their accord for their actions unless there are externalities. For example, do what you want with your land unless you are, for example, polluting the water and severely effecting someone else. If you run your business and personal life like an idiot with debt to the ceiling and can’t plan and sink your ship in a down economy, there is no bail out for you.

In this case, there is an externality that we haven’t experienced before. The government is stepping in and shutting down the economy which is largely outside their power in a free country. We (most) are playing along and realize this is a freak event. So it is their (government) responsibility to step in and help out those that they have had a negative effect on.

Me and my wife planned and are set for probably a year. If we get anything, we will take the money and put it in our emergency fund because no one knows the end of this and we are having a negative in all this. A man takes care of his four walls first. Before I take care of anyone else, I will be DAMNED sure my family is safe on the other end of this. They are giving back what they took due to their incompetence. My pride isn’t more important than my babies. If we come out the end of this alright, then it’s time to help someone that really took a hit with that money.
I hope someone said it in this thread: not everyone low or middle class needs a check. My family doesn't need a check. I'd rather those now filing unemployment because of this were to take home bigger checks, something 80-90% of what they were making when they were working. Enough to take care of them, not so much that they stop looking for work doing something else.
80-90%!!! I'd never work again if someone gave me that much.
What would you consider a redistribution of money then? Anything given to one man from the government is taken from another.

Giving people back money that they paid into the system is not socialism. Giving people money that do not work or pay taxes and do not contribute from other people who worked and paid taxes is more like socialism.
Giving people back money that they paid into the system is not socialism. Giving people money that do not work or pay taxes and do not contribute from other people who worked and paid taxes is more like socialism.
Socialism is by definition the means of production, distribution, products and exchanges controlled by the community, but this is controlled by the state so it's worse. The problem is that a lot of people above X income aren't getting anything back. So please tell me what their fair share is and why somebody else deserves it?
Because they worked too hard and paid too much money into the "system" as you said, someone else gets to take advantage of that?
Great freakin point dude...
Socialism is by definition the means of production, distribution, products and exchanges controlled by the community, but this is controlled by the state so it's worse. The problem is that a lot of people above X income aren't getting anything back. So please tell me what their fair share is and why somebody else deserves it?
Because they worked too hard and paid too much money into the "system" as you said, someone else gets to take advantage of that?
Great freakin point dude...

Its pretty easy, they aren’t getting a tax break. The IRS is handling the payment, not the food stamp or welfare programs offices.

You can either accept it or not but it’s a tax break/refund for those that qualify.