Would you give up your truck?

You come and try to take my truck, there will be many 30 rounders filled. Many. There may be 5000 rounds coming your way.
You come and try to take my truck, there will be many 30 rounders filled. Many. There may be 5000 rounds coming your way.
They will just freeze all your assets and shut off all your credit cards. You can keep the truck, won't do you any good with money.
Yep, we're definitely living in the last days. Glory Hallelujah!

I have three trucks. I won't even get rid of a truck on my own. You think I'm going to be forced into giving it up? Good luck with that.
So no need for cattle ranchers, dairy farms, retailers to sale clothes, auto dealers and manufacturers, and airports...where will everyone work...

Can you imagine telling those very wealthy ranchers in Austin they have to give up there trucks and there steaks...
You fixed your gas mower?

Here in Ca they are outlawing gas mowers soon….and you know what they say about how goes CA….
Yep, I have a battery push that’s fantastic too but the ev riding mowers are way out of my price range, and my rider is only 5 years old

I really like ev, I just don’t sign up for forcing it. When I need a new tool it’s an option I evaluate.
I didn’t do what I was told to do during Covid. People will stand when it goes against what they know to be right and true. Those who stand are the ones that make our country great. Those who are sheep will sit back and let others fight for them. It has always happened this way and always will.
I'll give up my truck right after they all confess for all the crimes they have committed, get convicted and get sentenced. Oh, and pay back all the people they have screwed. Ill.be here waiting with title in hand.
Sounds like Europe. 16' campers being pulled by large wagons. No pickup trucks. Dully vans pulling equipment trailers.
Right after they give up their private jets they can have my old 8.1 Chevy. Don't see that happening.
I'd like to share what I'd really like to do to these f*rking 'jet-set' hypocrites, but Ryan would have to ban me here.
Suffices to say, 'from my cold, dead hands'...both truck and gun.
i take a bit of a different line here. My daily driver is a V8 half ton - a tundra - but I am alight weight user. It’s a gas hog compared to other transportation options and TBH I need/use that bed about 10-15% of the time and haul enough to need that V8 even less. I am in the market for an SUV and plan to keep the truck for truck stuff.

If you told me there was a reasonable way for me to own a quarter or a third of a truck for less money, I would be all ears. setting aside saving the planet, hippy agenda BS, just the gas savings would be enough for me to consider changing things up.