Government Checks

This could work out beautifully. If they send out $2000 it would cover A decent portion of my trip to Argentina. If airlines continue to falter hopefully ticket prices will fall. (laughs in diabolical mastermind) That is it if international travel isn’t banned at that point
The grocery stores are going to be bonkers when the first round of checks come out. Most Americans are going to be losing their minds being home from work and not able to spend money on what they normally do (restaurants, going to movies, buying gear on Rokslide Classifeds, you name it). Not to mention in the run-up to getting actual checks, many people will continue to be going to the grocery store every single day like they are now.

It's going to be slim pickings soon.
The thought that everyone needs a few grand from the government to get by is very scary.....when you consider that the after effects of this may be worse than 'this' is it becomes frightening.
All you red hats won't possibly, just no way in hell would you ever, not over your mother's dead grave could you ever, accept government assistance right?

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No no it's not government assistance, its called a campaign donation. Trump gives it to us and we give it to his campaign. See government funded re election😀😀😀😀
Zap...and as IF Bloomberg didnt try and buy the election... at least buy his way into it ... Bloomberg bought those anti-gun Dems into Virginia and he will put a ton of cash into Bidens campaign I'll bet .... BTW, some assistance is fine, it is DEPENDENCE on the Gov. teat that sucks ....
All you red hats won't possibly, just no way in hell would you ever, not over your mother's dead grave could you ever, accept government assistance right?

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Never look a gift horse in the mouth. : ) Besides whatever I get if anything will be offset, probably by orders of magnitude by higher taxes, myself and my children and their grandchildren will have to pay in the decades ahead. Bill
This was all conspiracy by China... release the virus, crash the economy, debt-ridden U.S. government borrows billions (from China?) to send out $1000 checks for Americans to buy more cheap Chinese made goods to provide more money for China to loan to the U.S.........
I am more worried IF Biden would ever get in, his plan is to RAISE taxes no matter what, that should be enough to scare the crap out of every American, then there is his open borders and anti-gun schtick ... guys like Biden are why the Dems should not be allowed to go no where near the POTUS seat ... but isnt the 'crash' of the stocks and the pain put forth on this country right now what the socialists/libs want .... this country WILL recover once this blows over ...while I dont have faith in the Dems to ever do the right thing (they may get lucky once in a, I do have faith in this administration, the economy to rebound and Trump to see that it will
So couple things happening now. . . Mortgage rates were climbing till the fed panicked and spent their ammunition, then they dropped back now. Now rates are back to climbing on mortgages. . . It will be interesting to see how fast they rise.

At the same time the Gov is saying they are suspending foreclosures and evictions. . . So I guess if you're short cash you don't have to pay rent, not paying the mortgage will probably catch up to you though.