Government Checks

I so hope this is fake news.

At some point the pied piper called big brother is leading us off a cliff.

how many generations are people willing to enslave with debt?

Then again most people are idiots and literally live pay check to pay check. 40 hours a week is a part time job If you don’t got a couple stacks locked down for a rainy day.
If they end up closing daycare centers as they have done with schools I will likely be out of work and could use the help. Unfortunately my boss has been having money trouble for a few weeks prior to this and I haven't been getting paid in a timely manner. Awful timing to be looking for a new job.
If they end up closing daycare centers as they have done with schools I will likely be out of work and could use the help. Unfortunately my boss has been having money trouble for a few weeks prior to this and I haven't been getting paid in a timely manner. Awful timing to be looking for a new job.

That sounds like I work at a daycare... I work construction. My old lady works too though and her check comes every week. If I can't count on my check I'll be the one running daddy daycare.
I so hope this is fake news.

At some point the pied piper called big brother is leading us off a cliff.

how many generations are people willing to enslave with debt?

Then again most people are idiots and literally live pay check to pay check. 40 hours a week is a part time job If you don’t got a couple stacks locked down for a rainy day.

While I don’t agree with sending out money it’s not as simple as you make it sound for some people. My mom raised three boys by herself. If this would have happened to her, she would have been screwed. There is a lady in my office that can’t miss a day of pay. Her husband has cancer. He struggles keeping a job because he requires a lot of time off. They depend on her income. Not everyone that is strapped for cash is because of stupid spending habits. So while you sit there and say how people are “idiots” just remember that a lot of people are just doing what they can with the cards they have been dealt.

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While I dont believe in govment handouts per se, who am I to argue with this .... looks like new tires for the SUV will be forth coming if this goes thru ..
as an individual who falls slightly right of center on the political spectrum and who despises cult of personality politics, my “thumbing” goes both ways.

Just to state the obvious, my inference above is that right wing political conspiracies are just as absurd as left wing conspiracy theories. Therefore, both are subject to ridicule. The only way one could possibly take offense to such ridicule would be if they subscribed to one set of such theories in the first place.

And, again, to be clear, Trump has some policies that I agree with and deserves praise for such. Trump also has some despicable policies that I disagree with and will criticize as such. As for the rhetoric, I will ridicule it as it deserves. Only a person With a subscription to the Trump cult of personality would take offense to such ridiculing. Sense I despise cult of personality politics, their offense validates such ridicule. That’s my perspective on it. Sorry you perceive it differently, but this whole idea of “if you aren’t as far right as me and my identity politics then You must be a member of the progressive left and are therefore my enemy” is entirely absurd and must be ridiculed into non existence

Interesting perspective
That sounds like I work at a daycare... I work construction. My old lady works too though and her check comes every week. If I can't count on my check I'll be the one running daddy daycare.
Any other guys in your boat? Watch an extra kid or two and take some under the table money from your buddies to keep them free to work.
If they end up closing daycare centers as they have done with schools I will likely be out of work and could use the help. Unfortunately my boss has been having money trouble for a few weeks prior to this and I haven't been getting paid in a timely manner. Awful timing to be looking for a new job.
Not sure why at ALL your still with him if he’s skipping paying you.
Pretty sure this isn’t going away before paychecks start getting missed.

They don’t just send everyone tax money back either, that’s very dependent on individual case by case.

It’s not enough to keep small businesses in business. For the most part the first couple years equal no pay for an owner. Lots of people are going to be looking for jobs when this over.

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Totally understand all of this, I've been self employed, I remember 2008, been there done that.
Stuff is probably going to get bad, things are going to hurt, people are going to lose homes and businesses, but right now THAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET. Nothing they do is going to prevent the inevitable and throwing resources at undefined issues is a waste and takes away tools that could be more effectively used to mitigate some of these issues later on. We need to be taking measured steps to help people, not make knee jerk reactions because we think somethings going to hurt.
The conspiracy theory that CV is a left wing conspiracy to take down Trump could now just as easily be inverted into a Trump led conspiracy to insure reelection: he just needed an excuse for Universal Basic Income and the election is on lock.

When you compare Trump’s reaction to Obama’s response during the H1N1, when over 12,000 Americans died died due to his inaction, makes you wonder
Maybe they know but won't say that nearly all of us are gonna take a dirt nap from the Corona and they can write oodles of checks to everyone and Uncle Bobby because they will be worthless before anyone figures it all out....except for me.
On another note I love that Trump pleads with people not to hoard, overstock supplies, and overreact; then the next day "I want to give you $1000 to buy more toilet paper"