Government Checks

On another note I love that Trump pleads with people not to hoard, overstock supplies, and overreact; then the next day "I want to give you $1000 to buy more toilet paper"

Who wants to bet that the majority of the Mountain House buy out a month ago was purchased by government agencies.
I got hosed in 2008, I vowed then to never be in a work/financial situation ever again that would leave me so vulnerable to a recession.

now here we are, this isn’t going to hurt my family financially at all, in fact with the savings we put away, we very well may come out ahead on this one.

Also if I get a 1k check, I’m going to fill
My boat with gas and spend the rest on whiskey.
Instead of giving away 1000, why dont the gov just give away food and supplies equal to 1000. According to the gov most Americans are too incompetent to do anything without gov intervention. So the majority of people will do something with the money other than buy food or supplies...(best buy) and then they will be asking for more money in two weeks. For 1000 if you spend it wisely you can get enough food to last a really long time. I lived on ramen noodles in college and for a 1000 I can buy a lot of noodles.
I personally think he should just keep the $. The average American is so dependent upon their credit that a couple of cycles without a check and they're done for. I'd buy no interest loans to cover rent, but to make it easier for the guy with 3 car payments and a house that's too much and Visa bill that never quits.....this is the wake up call America needs to stop the "keeping up with the Jones" that social media has created.

Sorry if that sounds prickish, but without tough times we won't recognize good ones.
From what I've read the money is intended as an economic stimulus. As in they want it spent to help prop things up in the mean time while gatherings are limited. So if you don't need the check do what I plan to do when it comes (because I'm both food and finance secure). Buy take out from your favorite mom and pop joint, buy a little more food at a LOCAL grocery store, and pay your childcare provider even if your kids aren't there.

I live in Central Nebraska and most things are carrying on as normal. But per the government restrictions, many restaurants are going to takeout only. If their business. Drops they can't afford to pay their staffs for long even with a rainy day fund. And I know some people complain about childcare wanting paid if the kids aren't there. . . So long as I'm still getting paid, I'm paying my normal rate to my provider (in home day care) because their family is counting on the income too.

Yes idiots with too much creditcard debt are going to suffer, but for the average Joe that I interact with daily, I'll keep helping where I can, and if the Gov sends me and extra $1000 I'll disperse it around to those in need.

If you are loath to receive the funds, buy some goods for those families that you know that struggle anyway, single moms, people with medical issues, suckers that can't draw elk tags, etc.

I see this as an opportunity to come together in my community and help each those that do NEED it, instead of pointing out their misfortune to them.

(If they are an idiot with 2 $70,000 vehicles feel free so impart wisdom instead and allow them to feel some pinch, but maybe help them see the light of financial freedom instead of giggling as they drown in their mistakes)
this is the wake up call America needs to stop the "keeping up with the Jones" that social media has created.

Coming from a guy that once had to buy used tires to put on a new pickup to drive to a job interview, I agree but I’m not hopeful. It’s been 4 years since I got fed up with being scared and stressed. I screamed never again and “drank the Dave Ramsey kool aid” as they say. Me and my wife went scorched earth and never went on a trip, worked extra, and maybe eat out once every couple months. That was about 200K in student and vehicle debt ago. Most of our friends and coworkers laughed at us even though we respectfully tried to explain the logic. We knew a time like this was coming; it always has every 10-15 yrs and I’ll deal with 2-4 more like it in my working lifetime. I’m having a hard time listening to the crying from coworkers that just returned from vacation, drive nicer vehicles, and have a fancy coffee and a takeout meal daily. One of my wife’s coworkers was trying to guilt my wife into giving up hours for her yesterday. The same lady made fun of us, just returned from 2 weeks in Hawaii, and has a house 2.5x the size of ours. I’m not willing to cripple myself because others can’t check their pride and live within their means. On the other hand, my wife is giving a single mom at her office her last patient every day over the next month.

I grew up and worked in oil country and them poor bastards still haven’t figured it out and it happens to them every 5 years. It sucks watching friends do this to themselves over and over. About a year ago, there was a retirement thread where a guy was saying how dumb it was to pay off a house based on the “numbers”. He was borrowing “cheap” money and putting it in the market instead of on paying off liquid principle. Hate to be in his shoes today.

The most important factor in finance has nothing to do with numbers. It’s behavior and risk. Past results indicate that an event like this won’t stop people from using money they don’t have to buy things they can’t afford to impress people they hardly know. And bailouts, like welfare, are making these problems worse and not better.
The State Game agencies should pitch in and start the draws immediately after the deadline instead of holding onto everyone's money for the month or two!

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Hmmm, $2000 ? ... new tires for the SUV and a DPMS AR .223 and a new ASAT leafy suit .... ... Thank You POTUS Trump ... ;0)
Hmmm, $2000 ? ... new tires for the SUV and a DPMS AR .223 and a new ASAT leafy suit .... ... Thank You POTUS Trump ... ;0)

There are a lot of nice ar companies out there nowadays, do yourself a favor and buy a nicer setup than a dpms...