Government Checks

Are they planning on eventually locking the country down if they're gonna start compensating people for lost wages?
If I have to pay this back or be taxed at a higher rate to offset this down the road, then my answer is no thanks.
People should always have a rainy day or in this case a covid day fund put away. At least something in a coffee can or savings account that can keep keep the wheels moving if shit hits the fan. This outbreak has really revealed just how unprepared most Americans are.
The conspiracy theory that CV is a left wing conspiracy to take down Trump could now just as easily be inverted into a Trump led conspiracy to insure reelection: he just needed an excuse for Universal Basic Income and the election is on lock.

You sound like a Durango herald poster boy
I’m kinda torn on this. On one hand people won’t learn anything from this, just more reliance on the government rather than on themselves. On the other hand we bail every other country out, let’s help ours too.

I think trump’s back is against the wall on this though. He’s got to look like he’s trying to help America. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
I agree with this. It just goes to show how, when it really comes down to it, our system makes all politics the same more or less. same hypocrisy, same bs, same pandering, just different language to drain us of our money on opposite ends.
Should only go to the ones that got laid off. And only for what they missed.
But I'm not going to lie I would still take it and smile.

I can agree with that, but the logistics would seem to be impossible. How would you go about distributing that fairly and accurately? Inevitably, a number of people would get screwed out of it and others would scam it. You’d have to hire thousands of people to run the program. Might as well just send it out to everyone. Funny thing is, I owe almost exactly that same amount of taxes this year, so reckon I’ll be sending it right back
I can agree with that, but the logistics would seem to be impossible. How would you go about distributing that fairly and accurately? Inevitably, a number of people would get screwed out of it and others would scam it. You’d have to hire thousands of people to run the program. Might as well just send it out to everyone. Funny thing is, I owe almost exactly that same amount of taxes this year, so reckon I’ll be sending it right back
I would do it the same as unemployment. They say they get laid off the state checks and boom mo mo money
I'm not a conspiracy theorists but your always anti right rumblings on here get old.

as an individual who falls slightly right of center on the political spectrum and who despises cult of personality politics, my “thumbing” goes both ways.

Just to state the obvious, my inference above is that right wing political conspiracies are just as absurd as left wing conspiracy theories. Therefore, both are subject to ridicule. The only way one could possibly take offense to such ridicule would be if they subscribed to one set of such theories in the first place.

And, again, to be clear, Trump has some policies that I agree with and deserves praise for such. Trump also has some despicable policies that I disagree with and will criticize as such. As for the rhetoric, I will ridicule it as it deserves. Only a person With a subscription to the Trump cult of personality would take offense to such ridiculing. Sense I despise cult of personality politics, their offense validates such ridicule. That’s my perspective on it. Sorry you perceive it differently, but this whole idea of “if you aren’t as far right as me and my identity politics then You must be a member of the progressive left and are therefore my enemy” is entirely absurd and must be ridiculed into non existence.
Shouldn't the house be on fire before the fire department starts spraying water on it? I mean theoretically no one should have missed a payment yet due to Corona Virus. Even if you are broke and living paycheck to paycheck, didn't people just get their taxes back? This could be the dumbest stimulus suggestion to date. Like makes the record skip in my mind when I stop and think about it stupid.
Shouldn't the house be on fire before the fire department starts spraying water on it? I mean theoretically no one should have missed a payment yet due to Corona Virus. Even if you are broke and living paycheck to paycheck, didn't people just get their taxes back? This could be the dumbest stimulus suggestion to date. Like makes the record skip in my mind when I stop and think about it stupid.

Pretty sure this isn’t going away before paychecks start getting missed.

They don’t just send everyone tax money back either, that’s very dependent on individual case by case.

It’s not enough to keep small businesses in business. For the most part the first couple years equal no pay for an owner. Lots of people are going to be looking for jobs when this over.

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