F'Real 'Do! My GrandPa bought a house in whatever the hell year that was... in Torrance, CA.. around the area of South High School. It was in a development in a hillside sorta overlooking PCH you might say.
And OMMFG... he bough the sh*t for ... some amount that fit into $####.## (can't remember the actual amount at the moment, but my jaw hit the floor when I heard it. I wanna say something 5K?). I was younger so don't know the reason why.. but.. he sold it in like 1983(?) for like $325,000!! It obviously was a few decades of ownership, but still. He gifted the proceeds to his children my Mom and my Uncle.
As kids about to be approaching High School age... we were like "Mom! Mom! Please... buy out the other half out from Uncle Stan!" (For those that don't know that area is WAY in the hell better than the armpit of Carson where we all grew up, and, OMFg the cuties all up in the more nicer area of Torrance? Are you kidding me!)
So... rolling with the idea $5K as the initial possible purchase price, let's just say... that's like %6500 percent profit!!!
So just for sh*ts and giggles... let's see what that kinda comparison Math looks like if we were to compare it to my own situation, shall we? (I know it's not going to be equal for me, since population growth likely won't be so prolific comparatively speaking.. but still). My place was $549K purchase price in 2007. So... $549K x 6500% growth would be $35,685,000!!! And once you've owned your home for, I believe it's greater than 30 or 40 years... no Capital Gains Tax!!!