Where would you move to out west if you could?

Is belgrade as bad as bozeman?

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Depends on your perspective and what parts of Bozeman or Belgrade you're comparing. Some parts of Belgrade are basically "Bozeman" with the high home prices, some even have a Belgrade address (the horror...) and are in the Bozeman school district (what could be better?!). People in these neighborhoods may, not saying "do", but may refer to their home as "Well, we bought in Belgrade but really enjoy the community and we basically live our lives in Bozeman....please don't look down on me because I said that...."

If a person dislikes Bozeman because it's Bozeman (trendy, flat brimmed hat/flannel wearing people desperate for authenticity, or rich people desperate for authenticity wanting to be around people who wear flat brimmed hats and flannel), Belgrade's community is very refreshing and down to earth.

I like and have lived in both places for way too long.

A buddy of mine spent a few hundred 'thou more on his home to make sure he was in Bozeman school district and had cool neighbors. To each their own.
Spent a couple days in Salmon a couple of years ago. Just wow. What an amazing place.
I love the Salmon area, but man it can get socked in with wildland fire smoke sometimes. Missoula seems even worse, just a bowl. Smoke in the summer and inversion in the winter.

I love where I live and winter is a big part of the reason. I like the cold and the snow. But there are times (about now) where it stays gray and cold for what seems like forever and I sure wish I had a place in San Diego to go remember what the sun looks like.