Fleeing Californians and Property Values

I’m a self proclaimed wood whore. All of friends and family make fun of me for always commenting on snags in the woods. I reckon a fukton is probably equal to a log truck load.
Ya, me too. When we were living in Monterey my dad sent out a wood burning fireplace insert as a house-warming gift. It gets cold in Monterey, I've felt colder there than here. I could cut up to 8 cords of wood a year down on Hunter-Liggett. And my back yard proved that. My neighbors would always be hanging over the fence watching me split wood by hand every day after work. They'd say "you know, you can buy firewood that's already split and have it delivered". Then I'd ask how much that would be for oak, and their reply "$325/cord.......stacked". My reply "$15/cord sure sounds like a much better deal to me, especially given how much I love splitting wood with a maul". Half hour of free stress relief every day after work. (y)

I have probably 5 seasoned cords here now, but have only had two fires all winter so far. It just hasn't been that cold yet this winter. And the two or three literal "dustings" of snow we've had aren't cutting it. But that's not unusual for this area.
I took advantage of the ridiculous housing prices and got out of CA after a 35 year sentence.

Bought my first house in 2011 when the market was lower. Started working when I was 14 at $6 an hour cleaning toilets and maintaining a mechanic shop. Saved my ass off, had an affordable wedding in 2011 and still had enough to put $100,000 down on a $330,000 house. Sold that house in 2014 for $550,000.

Bought my property in 2014 for $950,000. Sold it July 2021 for $1,850,000.

Thanks unsustainable housing bubbles! See ya later (never).
Ya, me too. When we were living in Monterey my dad sent out a wood burning fireplace insert as a house-warming gift. It gets cold in Monterey, I've felt colder there than here. I could cut up to 8 cords of wood a year down on Hunter-Liggett. And my back yard proved that. My neighbors would always be hanging over the fence watching me split wood by hand every day after work. They'd say "you know, you can buy firewood that's already split and have it delivered". Then I'd ask how much that would be for oak, and their reply "$325/cord.......stacked". My reply "$15/cord sure sounds like a much better deal to me, especially given how much I love splitting wood with a maul". Half hour of free stress relief every day after work. (y)

I have probably 5 seasoned cords here now, but have only had two fires all winter so far. It just hasn't been that cold yet this winter. And the two or three literal "dustings" of snow we've had aren't cutting it. But that's not unusual for this area.
325 a cord and stacked for oak wood be a deal now. A cord of good oak gets 400 plus easily in some spots out here, no stacking included. It amazes me what people on the peninsula are always willing to pay for goods and services.
8 cords a year off the base? What years were those?
Not much to add. We were in Show Low AZ almost two years ago looking to buy. We told the realtor that we were from CA and looking to buy something for $300k cash. They said that's the standard line they've heard for years. We are moving there in April.
Wait until Gavin gets health care reform pushed through. You can't fix stupid in that state and yes I served my 20 year sentence already. Only downside is that we are now in Illinois which is CA 2.0 or 3.0 depending on where NY fits in.
I just escaped New California (Treasure Valley, Idaho)... We sold our house to someone who was escaping San Diego. We bought the place 7 years ago for $195k, sold it for $570k cash.

Where did you guys go if you don’t mind me asking? I’m strongly considering doing the same thing while my house is worth a fortune.
Not much to add. We were in Show Low AZ almost two years ago looking to buy. We told the realtor that we were from CA and looking to buy something for $300k cash. They said that's the standard line they've heard for years. We are moving there in April.
Lucky bastard. I would go to Show Low in a heart beat if I could afford it.
Where did you guys go if you don’t mind me asking? I’m strongly considering doing the same thing while my house is worth a fortune.

Back to the crappy little logging town in North Idaho that I grew up in. We are far enough off the beaten path and the town is run down and crappy enough that it's gonna be awhile before the growth spurt fully makes it here.
Back to the crappy little logging town in North Idaho that I grew up in. We are far enough off the beaten path and the town is run down and crappy enough that it's gonna be awhile before the growth spurt fully makes it here.
You can always hope that the wave crashes and pulls back before it gets to you. The little logging town that I grew up in wasn't lucky enough to avoid it.
You can always hope that the wave crashes and pulls back before it gets to you. The little logging town that I grew up in wasn't lucky enough to avoid it.
Oh it's coming for sure, but there are going to be other places that fill up first. Not being "on the way" to anywhere helps. Places along Hwy 95, Lake CDA and I90 are the first in the crosshairs.

To be fair, I'm seeing the growth as somewhat of an opportunity. Most of the people here just bitch and moan about the "outsiders"...my wife and I are actively brainstorming ideas of how we can get in the wallets of the newbies.
Wish I grew up in a little logging town. Oh wait I did. It is now a big logging town. However, most people living there do not know it was a logging town.
There are crappy little towns in Ca no one wants to move to, suffer on the fringe of society, eating fresh eggs, homegrown veggies and non agriculturally grown meats.
The issue is not the alternative lifestyle, it’s the smoke and mirrors of the Jones and keeping up with them.
Blame media, big tech, hollyweird and greed driven politicians. Get back to basics live in a place that was sustainable in 1880, you will be fine. The grass ain’t greener, where ever you go, there you are, make the best of it.
Every state has hidden gems, except the fact that others, sooner or later, will notice.
Back to the crappy little logging town in North Idaho that I grew up in. We are far enough off the beaten path and the town is run down and crappy enough that it's gonna be awhile before the growth spurt fully makes it here.
Perfect. I’m going to go somewhere that everyone flies over and goes “passsss”.
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For those opposed to the peeps in CA moving your way, is it because of housing costs? Or politics? Or both?

It seems there is a pretty clear correlation with CA residents moving into areas and jacking house prices up. So that seems good for those who own already, bad for those who don't.

Has there been a difference in politics also? I'm not trying to push someone's button or argue. I'm really curious.

The people that I know from CA who move to ID, MT, WY, NV, TN, UT, are all ultra conservative. But the area i live in has never voted democratic in its history. Just curious.

Is CO going more and more liberal a result of people from CA?

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A conservative Californian is a blazing liberal any where else.
Oh it's coming for sure, but there are going to be other places that fill up first. Not being "on the way" to anywhere helps. Places along Hwy 95, Lake CDA and I90 are the first in the crosshairs.

To be fair, I'm seeing the growth as somewhat of an opportunity. Most of the people here just bitch and moan about the "outsiders"...my wife and I are actively brainstorming ideas of how we can get in the wallets of the newbies.
You could start by opening a fully staffed restaurant with normal hours and good food. Eating out up here is a crap shoot. Half the time when we go to Panera Bread it is closed due to staffing issues and the Subway on 95 had a sign a month ago that said, "now hiring mediocre or better".

Californians aren't just fleeing to Idaho. We sold our house in Texas to people fleeing CA. Bought our house up here surrounded on all sides by fleeing Californians and from an old lady that had fled CA and had a stroke. True story. Neighbor to our north and to our east are both very conservative retired CA police officers.

One of the biggest problems up here is everyone is old. This is the demographically oldest area I have ever been in.