Fleeing Californians and Property Values

You could start by opening a fully staffed restaurant with normal hours and good food. Eating out up here is a crap shoot. Half the time when we go to Panera Bread it is closed due to staffing issues and the Subway on 95 had a sign a month ago that said, "now hiring mediocre or better".

Californians aren't just fleeing to Idaho. We sold our house in Texas to people fleeing CA. Bought our house up here surrounded on all sides by fleeing Californians and from an old lady that had fled CA and had a stroke. True story. Neighbor to our north and to our east are both very conservative retired CA police officers.

One of the biggest problems up here is everyone is old. This is the demographically oldest area I have ever been in.

I'm over an hour from where a Panera bread even exists. :ROFLMAO: Less than 5 restaurants total in the town I'm in, I'm sure it would be a good business, but as you said...good luck finding workers.
325 a cord and stacked for oak wood be a deal now. A cord of good oak gets 400 plus easily in some spots out here, no stacking included. It amazes me what people on the peninsula are always willing to pay for goods and services.
8 cords a year off the base? What years were those?
That was back in the 90's.......and 4 cord per ID, per year.
I'm over an hour from where a Panera bread even exists. Less than 5 restaurants total in the town I'm in, I'm sure it would be a good business, but as you said...good luck finding workers.
Gonna be hard to make money off the refugees out in the sticks.

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Gonna be hard to make money off the refugees out in the sticks.

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Nah, we got them here too... They are just coming at a slower rate right now. Give it another few years and they'll have houses built on all available flat ground in the CDA area and then they'll have to start branching out further and further.

I think I'll probably do some sort of rental business, trailers, small equipment, the kind of stuff you need to get things done out here that the refugees won't have any idea about and definitely won't own but will need to use.
The prices for real estate are incredibly high in California, and they are going higher every year. I was saving money for buying a house, but I didn't think I would be able to save such a sum of money, so I decided the only way I could afford a home was to invest in something. I was shocked that by using the BRRRR method, I could invest in real estate with minimal investments, so I found a good real estate agent in California so he could find some good properties for accomplishing the BRRRR method strategy.
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