Fleeing Californians and Property Values

Basic facts and tips worth what you paid for:
1)You either pay rent or pay a mortgage
2)You will never own by paying rent
3)Mortgage interest and property taxes are deductible, figure out what savings will be
4)Know your market and don't buy at top
5)Buy what you can afford
6)Brand new houses are generally more than used
7)Buying a house is usually a long term investment
8) Look at the interest you will pay for the loan
9) Of course don't get balloon payments, get fixed rate.
10) Somtimes, for periods of time, it's better to rent.
11) While saving money for a house, pay as little rent for as crappy place you can stand.
12) Pay off you house as quick as you can
13) Don't have credit card debt
14) Only mortgage and car loans are necessary
15) Don't have any high interest loans
16) The less you pay in interest the better
17) Never say never
18) Never say always
19)Stop hunting, it's expensive!!!

One caveat to #3. Due to the tax cut act in 2017, you can only claim $10k of SALT deductions (state and local taxes). So if you pay more in state and local income tax and property tax, you don’t get the full deduction.
“We’re an outdoorsy family”

Meet your new neighbors.

“instead of taking a trip to Italy, we decided to buy an overpriced house in a manufactured resort town. Does anyone know where i can get the little “Idaho Native” stickers? And son, bring me that screwdriver thingy, I need to take this UCLA license plate holder off the Beemer...”

“We’re an outdoorsy family”

Meet your new neighbors.

“instead of taking a trip to Italy, we decided to buy an overpriced house in a manufactured resort town. Does anyone know where i can get the little “Idaho Native” stickers? And son, bring me that screwdriver thingy, I need to take this UCLA license plate holder off the Beemer...”

We were driving through Idaho in June and camped at a KOA. We were in line in the morning at the breakfast nook and this woman with her family is looking pissed. She felt the need that tell all of us that she was supposed to be vacationing in France right now but this is what they got stuck doing because of COVID. She even had the designer glasses. I wonder it is the same family. They had so much fun that they ended buying a place. If it is, she should blend right in (sarcasm).
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If you think internal migration to the mountain west is bad now, just wait until the impacts of climate change really start picking up and start making some areas of the US much less habitable. What happens when Phoenix and Vegas start to run out of water, and the wildfires in CA get even worse. Drought in the plains?

The only real question is does it take 5 years? 20 years? Maybe only a couple of years?
Love California…hate the politics. Lots of Marxist commie pukes, sold us out to the bullshit power elites for a buck. These socialist indoctrinated blue haired tranny fags, ruined the nuclear family, drove a wedge between neighbors, opened the door to an undocumented gold rush of free benefits for drug addicts and illegal migrants. Homeless people shitting on the sidewalks, mental illness runs rampant, freaks loosing their minds in the crosswalks. Tinted windows on yer Tesla shields you from the sins that Gavin Newsome commits on a daily.
Just be glad your sweet state has nothing to offer the scum that is attracted to the consistent 72 degree weather and free shit Ca hands out daily. If the people that move from California to your state even have a car, or money to buy a house, they are better than the ones that come from your state to California for free handouts and drugs.
Still, I love it here…
Love California…hate the politics. Lots of Marxist commie pukes, sold us out to the bullshit power elites for a buck. These socialist indoctrinated blue haired tranny fags, ruined the nuclear family, drove a wedge between neighbors, opened the door to an undocumented gold rush of free benefits for drug addicts and illegal migrants. Homeless people shitting on the sidewalks, mental illness runs rampant, freaks loosing their minds in the crosswalks. Tinted windows on yer Tesla shields you from the sins that Gavin Newsome commits on a daily.
Just be glad your sweet state has nothing to offer the scum that is attracted to the consistent 72 degree weather and free shit Ca hands out daily. If the people that move from California to your state even have a car, or money to buy a house, they are better than the ones that come from your state to California for free handouts and drugs.
Still, I love it here…
Feel the same, hate it and love it here. Love hearing Roksliders bash this place though, makes me want to move my family over to to their state
You can still buy houses here... but like I said, you need a good snow plow and 4 months of hot heat....
Love California…hate the politics. Lots of Marxist commie pukes, sold us out to the bullshit power elites for a buck. These socialist indoctrinated blue haired tranny fags, ruined the nuclear family, drove a wedge between neighbors, opened the door to an undocumented gold rush of free benefits for drug addicts and illegal migrants. Homeless people shitting on the sidewalks, mental illness runs rampant, freaks loosing their minds in the crosswalks. Tinted windows on yer Tesla shields you from the sins that Gavin Newsome commits on a daily.
Just be glad your sweet state has nothing to offer the scum that is attracted to the consistent 72 degree weather and free shit Ca hands out daily. If the people that move from California to your state even have a car, or money to buy a house, they are better than the ones that come from your state to California for free handouts and drugs.
Still, I love it here…
Tell us how you really feel. LOL