Do you hit your dog ?

i guess if you hit your dog, dont do it violently and be sure they know why they are being punished. they are dogs and need discpline. wolf pups in a den are displined. they are dogs. but just realize they want to please, they need direction and need to know there place in the world. they are the mostly loyal friends you will ever have
here lat trip for pheasents... South dakota fish and game want to come get me.... so be it. So her last hunt we stayed down in a little town north of winner. The day before I lost my radiator. So it was the new year, nothing open. Holed for two days in a motel. finally got an appointment for a new radiator in pierrer. (sorry for the spelling.) Get up early (cant hunt pheasants until 10. Have an appointment in pierre for a new radiator a few days out. So me and my little girl leave with two gallons of antifreeze and a shit load of gum. Its after christmas, everything is frozen solid, I know of some public we can hunt so we head there. We walk the school ground and man i see a whole creek drainage of catails and a frozen creek. Both sides are cut mylo. I saw over two thousand
pheasants. walked that frozen creek bottom.
only shot the roosters that my little girl pointed. Over twelve. Way beyond the legal limit. crying my eyes out watching that beautiful little girl work. but every pheasant she pointed i shot. (she is 14 -1/2). was busted by fish and game. Met my puppy, declared I was at my possesion but way over daily limit. they took three and scratched her belly (and i told them how old she was) fined me for three over. All fair. And i am crying my eyes out. I knew it was her last field. That night I got her a 36 oz piece of prime rib with all the fixings. And cried some more. So beat your dog if you must, but remeber that dog will love you no matter what
Really depends on the dog, I had a lab that was an angel and always minded me and never gave us any issues, I had a beagle that all I had to do was raise my voice, I have another beagle who's bull headed and have to use the zap collar on her once in a while. Really depends on the dog, and their personality I think.
I am not an atheist. My own near-death experience reaffirmed my believe in God (whatever God may be) and a greater existence beyond our physical life. It also taught me, without a shadow of a doubt, that God loves, forgives and accepts everyone, and God does so unconditionally without any fear tactics or "fine print" that religions indoctrinate people into believing. And you don't have to be an atheist to come to the realization that religion has been the most destructive and divisive creation of mankind. Sadly, religion will continue to be used by "Christians" to justify their hatred, discrimination, violence, misogyny, sexism, homophobia, racism, etc. All while cherry-picking what scriptures they want to believe while ignoring the scriptures their conscience or preferred convenience objects to.

I didn't bring religion into this, 5MilesBack did. If people are going to push religion onto others, then be prepared for others to push back. Fact is, the bible was written in a primitive time, with primitive thinking, and relied on verifiably false mythology to explain what science at the time could not. It is undeniable that the Earth is billions of years old, not 6,000. It is undeniable that the Earth is a globe, not flat with "four corners." I could go on and on. Don't conflate personal truth with objective

I suspected you’d claim you weren’t atheist in your reply. 5 miles wasn’t speaking about religion. He was speaking about his relationship with God. They are two entirely different things.
In an effort to keep things educational. Using the above as an example. I think the best thing to do in this circumstance would be to leash the dog and head to the truck. Kennel it, call it a day. Remove the dog from the activity it wants to be doing. No idea what it was doing wrong here but obviously work on training that.

It's a tough decision I have found myself in as well. We are selfish and our own desires often lead too allowing undesirable behaviors of our partners. Such as shooting bumped birds over a pointer because you only saw the one that day. (Not me but a guy I know)

As a blanket statement. If you need to physically discipline your dog during a hunt, you didnt spend enough time training.

Mines an angel hunting. It's when he's not been hunted that he goes on a rampage humping pillows into oblivion.
I disagree . My last two Weims loved to hunt and were good at it , but they both LIVED to retrieve . If they bump a bird , I shot it , because I refused to expect perfection from a dog and deny them the fun of bringing that bird back .
They had more fun hunting than I did , but watching them have fun was the best part of hunting for me . I wasn't trying to be the guy in a magazine all full of himself , just out to have some fun .

If you missed a shot did the dog head for the truck ? LOL
I disagree . My last two Weims loved to hunt and were good at it , but they both LIVED to retrieve . If they bump a bird , I shot it , because I refused to expect perfection from a dog and deny them the fun of bringing that bird back .
They had more fun hunting than I did , but watching them have fun was the best part of hunting for me . I wasn't trying to be the guy in a magazine all full of himself , just out to have some fun .

If you missed a shot did the dog head for the truck ? LOL
10-4. I'd like to think we have beat to death the "depends on the dog" scenario and I can certainly see your perspective. We all have different expectations.

That last line is funny. And has certainly happened. And no, he nor I headed for the truck. Although on one particular trip he didn't speak to me the entire 11 hr ride home..
10-4. I'd like to think we have beat to death the "depends on the dog" scenario and I can certainly see your perspective. We all have different expectations.

That last line is funny. And has certainly happened. And no, he nor I headed for the truck. Although on one particular trip he didn't speak to me the entire 11 hr ride home..
Yup , Smitty , my last Weim , would actually give me dirty looks when I missed , I swear . This was the best dog ever , I still miss him today .

I get it.
So, how many ducks does your dog pick up and bring to hand in a season? I'm curious because obviously your pup has titles.
That brown machine picked up 843 ducks this year and delivered to hand. No titles, just a few WWE workouts and body slams.
You saying that slowed her down??

I never beat my dog. She picked up 900 ducks this year. Plucked them and put them in the freezer too.

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I get it.
So, how many ducks does your dog pick up and bring to hand in a season? I'm curious because obviously your pup has titles.
That brown machine picked up 843 ducks this year and delivered to hand. No titles, just a few WWE workouts and body slams.
You saying that slowed her down??
If numbers are the thing I have a couple friends that start guiding in September in Canada and just ended the season in Arkansas. They picked up that many birds the first month. One of the dogs will be running the spring grand. He told me that 5 days the dog will be challenged more than a whole season. I only picked up 306 with 189 being big geese froze up early. I have been around plenty of wwe matches with people and their dogs over 15 years of guiding pheasant hunters but just find it easier to train the dog in the off season so small correction fix any problems that arise.
A little rap on the back end to get their attention when they are not minding is one thing. Hitting/beating a dog because you are upset with something they did, or did not do only shows you have no idea how to handle them. We were out dove hunting and watched a guy scream at his dog because it would not come (because he never taught it properly) for several. minute, when the dog did return he started hitting it and yelling at it. My friend had enough, went over and knocked the guy on his ass, the guy said WTF why did you do that, all my friend said was, that's what your dog was thinking.
I didn't bring religion into this, 5MilesBack did.
That depends on how you interpret or define religion. The Pharisees were the most "religious" people around during Jesus' time, and he called them "vipers" and "evil" because they didn't understand or accept Him as the Messiah and the salvation that He provided them. They interpreted that their "religion" would save them, but Jesus said "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" I'm not a religious man, but I do have a personal relationship with my Lord and Saviour through his free gift of salvation. My definition of religion would be more like "man's ways to try to get to God". That's why there are so many so-called religions in the world, but yet only one way to God.

2 Timothy 3:16 - "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness".

"For correction"'s good for raising dogs and children.;)
Guys , for the life of me , I can't see how religion has any business in this thread . Please refrain from projecting your beliefs into every conversation . Believe what you want , but keep it to yourself , or go to a theological debate forum , please . With all due respect .
My GWP responds very well to a firm hand. Now that he is older I just have to give him the firm voice and he minds. Literally whack him on the head and 15 seconds later he’s wagging his tail. My wife struggles with the firm voice & wonders why he doesn’t listen as well.

You can’t always be their friend.

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I don't hit my kids or spank them, and you can spare me the man-made religious garbage. Since you seem to like fiction and kids living in fear, don't forget the great quotes from the Old Testament that condone killing your kid if they don't turn out the way you had hoped:

If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and who, when they have chastened him, will not heed them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city, to the gate of his city. And they shall say to the elders of his city, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones; so you shall put away the evil from among you, and all Israel shall hear and fear. Deuteronomy 21:18–21
Love that passage, and Jesus talks very similar language in Luke 15. It’s worth a read. That’s where Jesus does a lot of dismantling of religion you dislike(as do I)
Love that passage, and Jesus talks very similar language in Luke 15. It’s worth a read. That’s where Jesus does a lot of dismantling of religion you dislike(as do I)
Again , just for you this time -

Guys , for the life of me , I can't see how religion has any business in this thread . Please refrain from projecting your beliefs into every conversation . Believe what you want , but keep it to yourself , or go to a theological debate forum , please . With all due respect .
Guys , for the life of me , I can't see how religion has any business in this thread . Please refrain from projecting your beliefs into every conversation . Believe what you want , but keep it to yourself , or go to a theological debate forum , please . With all due respect .

Some folks can’t help but trying to indoctrinate others with their mysticism. Unfortunately it’s all too prevalent in our society. it’s amazing to me that the same people fail recognize that much of the present day push back against inappropriate insertion of religious zealotry stems from their own behavior to begin with.
This thread is a perfect example.
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Some folks can’t help but trying to indoctrinate others with their mysticism. Unfortunately it’s all too prevalent in our society. it’s amazing to me that the same people fail recognize that much of the present day push back against inappropriate insertion of religious zealotry stems from their own behavior to begin with.
This tread is perfect example.
Exactly ! But if I post my views they have a heart attack and go ballistic .