Do you hit your dog ?

We have 3 big boys, (Dane, Dane/Mastiff, and Bull Mastiff) and very rarely 1 of them will get a smack on the butt.

5 or 6 years ago, we had a 5 y.o. English Mastiff who lost his mind. Short version, he wouldn't listen when told to lay down. I got up and wagged my finger in his face, he bit me. Yeah, he got hit. Many times. We got into a knockdown drag out fight. I ended up in the ER getting stitches and x-rays. I don't recommend fighting a 200 lb. dog.
Never have to hit my lab. Just yelling or looking at him gets his attentio. Although once he starts chasing a rabbit I just have to wait until he’s done😊
I'll have a conversation with my lab
You know what you did was wrong?
Are we going to do it again?
Good girl.

Labs are easy mode!

Edit: for the third time in a row she ate the neighbor dogs' food when she was about a year old. It made me mad and she got a swift kick in the butt. More of a failure on my part because I got frustrated. She now only eats the cat's food. And I hate the cat so it's ok.
Surprised to read soo many ignorant responses.

To the OP original question - yes, hitting a dog and using forms of negative correction don’t create an obedient/trained canine.

It takes WORK to train a canine - even the basics a family dog would get.

Read some books on positive reinforcement training.

TRAINING a canine is not easy. Striking a canine (much less a human) is simply lazy and will only create FEAR not RESPECT.
Surprised to read soo many ignorant responses.

To the OP original question - yes, hitting a dog and using forms of negative correction don’t create an obedient/trained canine.

It takes WORK to train a canine - even the basics a family dog would get.

Read some books on positive reinforcement training.

TRAINING a canine is not easy. Striking a canine (much less a human) is simply lazy and will only create FEAR not RESPECT.
Although I agree with you, respect is equal parts knowing something can be good for you and bad for you.
Waves: surfing, drowning
Dogs: companion, killer beast
Flowers: beauty, poison
And so on
my lab is pretty well behaved, never beat him but yelling at him seems to work very well.

its to the point now that i just say "digging" from when he was a puppy and he has the fear of God in his eyes.

I have grabbed him by the scruff of his neck when hes acting up, but never have i hit him.