Those are the kind of people who go to dog parks and let their dogs run around with no control and then yell here 15 times while the dog give the middle finger. People like to think the all positive training works but fail to realize that saying no or body language is negative reinforcement just as a healing stick or a pop from the lead. Dogs want to have structure and are happier and healthier when they have it.
YES! That's what I try to explain to those kinda people. A Dog that's strongly-led is a happy Dog... for instinctively they know that if they're being led by a very strong leader, they know they'll be safe. They know they'll be taken care of by that same stronger-willed leader.
'Bout the only time I ever did much of anything physical to my Rat Terrier was when I was training her to "Let" (Let go of a fetched ball/item). You put your outstretched index finger over their snout... and you say "Let!"... if they don't release, you them Rap on their snout with that index finger while simultaneously saying "Let!".
Real damn quick they figure it out. Then later on, when they're being stubborn and won't release, you just bring that finger out and the moment it starts moving towards the snout? Yes sir, that ball gets released immediately, without fuss.
Seriously though... for most of the training it was just my voice. Either expressing reward with high-pitched praise voice, or reprimand with strong/angry/growly upset voice.
But I do have a big voice especially when in reprimand tone. So since I was getting a lotta side-eye when I'd be using my voice strongly when the dog was occasionally wanting to be stubborn... over time I worked in the use of the word "Please" to show my dog that Daddy was seriously not happy and that she needed to comply. So afterwards... all I needed to calmly say was "Come here, Please!" and she'd hop to it right away because she'd been trained to know that meant Daddy was pissed and non-compliance was NOT an option.
YEah man... New dog-owners? First thing wrong you see 'em do.... they're at the Dog Park... dog does something they don't like... what do their lazy as$es do? "Come'mere..." to call the dog over.... then when the dog get's there, what do they do? Smack 'em for the bad action they did way over there.
I tell them all the time... What did you just teach that dog? That everytime you call them over... you're gonna hit them! I go on to tell them that coming to you has to be the greatest thing in the world! And that have to catch that dog red-handed in the act or it's not going to be able to associate that reprimand with whatever the bad action was. And they'll just think you're being a d!ck.
At worst, I've swatted my girl on the rump when I've caught her red-handed doing something not cool.
Was exceedingly rare that any physical reprimand happened. Cause they always knew how much Daddy loved them. And your consistency as the training person is key! If they absolutely know that every time they do X, you're gonna do Y, and Y is something they don't like.... real quick they're not gonna do X anymore, if you're consistent.
It's just like when you're in the grocery store... and some fat ladies kid is throwing a tantrum. What does the fat lady do? "Johnny!... You stop that right now!...I MEAN IT!...." (still NEVER bothers walking over there and actually DOING anything about it, she's just spouting off the words out loud just to show everyone within earshot "No, no... see.... I'm doing something about it!") But the kid's not stupid.. they KNOW your fat lil b!tch a$s ain't gonna do anything about it... so what do they do? They continue doing what they're doing. And what happens? Like clockwork your fat lazy a$s wants to avoid doing any kinda work.... so you just quickly collect him off the floor... and talk about "You just wait til we get home Mr!!" knowin' damn well she ain't gonna do sh!t to that kid later on... which is why he feels emboldened to even try that sh!t in the first place! You know the ones... the ones that'll slide a cellphone..or some candy under the kids piehole to shut him up, because they're too lazy to put in the actual training work necessary to break the kid of that habit.