Do you hit your dog ?

I explained in the OP that I smacked him on the head with the end on his leash . The loop that you hold on to , just hard enough to make it pop . More to get his attention than anything else .
There were several dogs there and he was not listening to me . Not a closed fist .

Don't worry, those of us who read posts before responding understood the situation. When I saw your initial post I thought you could get all kinds of preachy crap for it, glad it hasn't been too bad.
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I explained in the OP that I smacked him on the head with the end on his leash . The loop that you hold on to , just hard enough to make it pop . More to get his attention than anything else .
There were several dogs there and he was not listening to me . Not a closed fist .
Don't worry about it. It is knee-jerk response and what you get on the internet. Some folks believe like that lady who gave you a dirty look - and it is okay. Water off a duck's back.

I just got to work - dog is barking and I see movement in the dark breakroom, turn on the light and there is a 6-3 guy pinning a 25# brittany puppy to the floor. Saying "down" "down" "down". Dog aint listening today and owner has encouraged the dog to be vocal with him so they were having an actual argument. Guy was using restraining as a tool but should have just slapped the dog's ass once and it woulda been over. It is such a cute puppy - with the barking and such, youda thought he was trying to kill the dog. LOL!

In the midst of all that the dog sees me and wants to come say hi, but this big baboon has a handful of hair & skin pinning him to the floor. Can just say no pain was involved, just a little inconvenience.
There's enough people now that treat their pets like their kids.

And unfortunately we have already had a generation that didn't know how to raise kids.

I get sick of the dogs that aren't under control.

Here's a serious question, and my dog training is mostly all positive reinforcement. But how does positive correction work? Some dogs yelling at them is enough, some can care less. So how do you correct bad behavior? Everyone who has a dog that jumps on you is always yelling at them. I put a knee in a dogs chest, they don't do it anymore.
There's enough people now that treat their pets like their kids.

And unfortunately we have already had a generation that didn't know how to raise kids.

I get sick of the dogs that aren't under control.

Here's a serious question, and my dog training is mostly all positive reinforcement. But how does positive correction work? Some dogs yelling at them is enough, some can care less. So how do you correct bad behavior? Everyone who has a dog that jumps on you is always yelling at them. I put a knee in a dogs chest, they don't do it anymore.
Short answer it does not. Most dont have the patience that it would take to only use p+ training and just say hell with it and let their dog do what ever
On my 3rd Chessie. He is by far the BIGGEST knucklehead I've ever dealt with. Beyond Loyal. But he is a true One Man dog. He is the most wannabe dominant, yet very Beta dog I've ever seen. He simply wont quit or submit.

More stitches two weeks ago. He is 0-79 lifetime to my Drahthaar. And he starts every one
This why I chose to get a female GSP, I’ve always owned and preferred males dogs but adding another male to a home with a working shepherd sounded expensive and the hell id take take from the mrs would be too much. That period when they’re young and trying to be alpha can be hectic.
This why I chose to get a female GSP, I’ve always owned and preferred males dogs but adding another male to a home with a working shepherd sounded expensive and the hell id take take from the mrs would be too much. That period when they’re young and trying to be alpha can be hectic.
Never again. It's been 7 years of constant BS. I thought I could handle it. Nope. It's on me
There's enough people now that treat their pets like their kids.

And unfortunately we have already had a generation that didn't know how to raise kids.

I get sick of the dogs that aren't under control.

Here's a serious question, and my dog training is mostly all positive reinforcement. But how does positive correction work? Some dogs yelling at them is enough, some can care less. So how do you correct bad behavior? Everyone who has a dog that jumps on you is always yelling at them. I put a knee in a dogs chest, they don't do it anymore.
I use both positive and negative reinforcement depending on situation.

When they're younger and just learning it's mostly positive reinforcement. Good girl/boy for doing the right things. Bad dog for bathroom inside or chewing, biting, etc.

As they grow older and they know the rules, and commands, it's correction. I'll train my pup for 20-30 min w e-collar (I guess considered negative) but after the training she gets a good sized treat for her work.

In your scenario, younger pups get a slight push off and a no jump or off, especially with new people. Once older, they know it's not acceptable, and they jump on someone, a stiff knee to the chest seems appropriate to me.
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Do you believe men, son or not, has no responsibility for the person they become? But, more importantly, are you not aware of the law that Jesus Christ brought forth?

It’s common for atheists to quote things that support their contempt for towards the God of the Bible. As common as it is for “ Christians” to not represent the faith they proclaim. However, none of either changes the laws and commands that the Bible outlines. And, the results of not doing so.

I’m not here to argue your salvation. Only to tell you that the principal of discipline is required to produce beneficial results. And just like dogs, certain people need more assertion to get the idea of proper and accepted behavior. And, the God of the Bible gives man that ability in the New Testament.

I can read the anger in your words. And cipher it has more to do with your contempt for God than justifying your decisions concerning disciplining a child or dog.
I am not an atheist. My own near-death experience reaffirmed my believe in God (whatever God may be) and a greater existence beyond our physical life. It also taught me, without a shadow of a doubt, that God loves, forgives and accepts everyone, and God does so unconditionally without any fear tactics or "fine print" that religions indoctrinate people into believing. And you don't have to be an atheist to come to the realization that religion has been the most destructive and divisive creation of mankind. Sadly, religion will continue to be used by "Christians" to justify their hatred, discrimination, violence, misogyny, sexism, homophobia, racism, etc. All while cherry-picking what scriptures they want to believe while ignoring the scriptures their conscience or preferred convenience objects to.

I didn't bring religion into this, 5MilesBack did. If people are going to push religion onto others, then be prepared for others to push back. Fact is, the bible was written in a primitive time, with primitive thinking, and relied on verifiably false mythology to explain what science at the time could not. It is undeniable that the Earth is billions of years old, not 6,000. It is undeniable that the Earth is a globe, not flat with "four corners." I could go on and on. Don't conflate personal truth with objective truth.
I am not an atheist. My own near-death experience reaffirmed my believe in God (whatever God may be) and a greater existence beyond our physical life. It also taught me, without a shadow of a doubt, that God loves, forgives and accepts everyone, and God does so unconditionally without any fear tactics or "fine print" that religions indoctrinate people into believing. And you don't have to be an atheist to come to the realization that religion has been the most destructive and divisive creation of mankind. Sadly, religion will continue to be used by "Christians" to justify their hatred, discrimination, violence, misogyny, sexism, homophobia, racism, etc. All while cherry-picking what scriptures they want to believe while ignoring the scriptures their conscience or preferred convenience objects to.

I didn't bring religion into this, 5MilesBack did. If people are going to push religion onto others, then be prepared for others to push back. Fact is, the bible was written in a primitive time, with primitive thinking, and relied on verifiably false mythology to explain what science at the time could not. It is undeniable that the Earth is billions of years old, not 6,000. It is undeniable that the Earth is a globe, not flat with "four corners." I could go on and on. Don't conflate personal truth with objective truth.

Hey guys, this is supposed to be a dog beating thread, not a bible beating thread. Try to stay on topic.
I have a 14 month old Weimaraner and I take him everywhere I can . He minds pretty good , but gets distracted easily .
If I tell him to lay down and he doesn't , I smack him on the head with the end of the leash , just hard enough to make it pop .
A lady at the restaurant saw me do it and gave me a dirty look , so I asked her , Are you giving me a dirty look because I hit the dog ?
Yes she said and turned away with her nose in the air .
Am I wrong here ? I'm not hurting him , just hit him hard enough to get his attention . All my dogs have minded and everyone always comments on how well they listen to me .
I personally don’t hit my dogs, but when I need to get a point across I grab them by the scruff of their neck, flip them over and get in their face, they seem to remember that more than a swat.
Those are the kind of people who go to dog parks and let their dogs run around with no control and then yell here 15 times while the dog give the middle finger. People like to think the all positive training works but fail to realize that saying no or body language is negative reinforcement just as a healing stick or a pop from the lead. Dogs want to have structure and are happier and healthier when they have it.
YES! That's what I try to explain to those kinda people. A Dog that's strongly-led is a happy Dog... for instinctively they know that if they're being led by a very strong leader, they know they'll be safe. They know they'll be taken care of by that same stronger-willed leader.

'Bout the only time I ever did much of anything physical to my Rat Terrier was when I was training her to "Let" (Let go of a fetched ball/item). You put your outstretched index finger over their snout... and you say "Let!"... if they don't release, you them Rap on their snout with that index finger while simultaneously saying "Let!".

Real damn quick they figure it out. Then later on, when they're being stubborn and won't release, you just bring that finger out and the moment it starts moving towards the snout? Yes sir, that ball gets released immediately, without fuss.

Seriously though... for most of the training it was just my voice. Either expressing reward with high-pitched praise voice, or reprimand with strong/angry/growly upset voice.

But I do have a big voice especially when in reprimand tone. So since I was getting a lotta side-eye when I'd be using my voice strongly when the dog was occasionally wanting to be stubborn... over time I worked in the use of the word "Please" to show my dog that Daddy was seriously not happy and that she needed to comply. So afterwards... all I needed to calmly say was "Come here, Please!" and she'd hop to it right away because she'd been trained to know that meant Daddy was pissed and non-compliance was NOT an option.

YEah man... New dog-owners? First thing wrong you see 'em do.... they're at the Dog Park... dog does something they don't like... what do their lazy as$es do? "Come'mere..." to call the dog over.... then when the dog get's there, what do they do? Smack 'em for the bad action they did way over there.

I tell them all the time... What did you just teach that dog? That everytime you call them over... you're gonna hit them! I go on to tell them that coming to you has to be the greatest thing in the world! And that have to catch that dog red-handed in the act or it's not going to be able to associate that reprimand with whatever the bad action was. And they'll just think you're being a d!ck.

At worst, I've swatted my girl on the rump when I've caught her red-handed doing something not cool.

Was exceedingly rare that any physical reprimand happened. Cause they always knew how much Daddy loved them. And your consistency as the training person is key! If they absolutely know that every time they do X, you're gonna do Y, and Y is something they don't like.... real quick they're not gonna do X anymore, if you're consistent.

It's just like when you're in the grocery store... and some fat ladies kid is throwing a tantrum. What does the fat lady do? "Johnny!... You stop that right now!...I MEAN IT!...." (still NEVER bothers walking over there and actually DOING anything about it, she's just spouting off the words out loud just to show everyone within earshot "No, no... see.... I'm doing something about it!") But the kid's not stupid.. they KNOW your fat lil b!tch a$s ain't gonna do anything about it... so what do they do? They continue doing what they're doing. And what happens? Like clockwork your fat lazy a$s wants to avoid doing any kinda work.... so you just quickly collect him off the floor... and talk about "You just wait til we get home Mr!!" knowin' damn well she ain't gonna do sh!t to that kid later on... which is why he feels emboldened to even try that sh!t in the first place! You know the ones... the ones that'll slide a cellphone..or some candy under the kids piehole to shut him up, because they're too lazy to put in the actual training work necessary to break the kid of that habit.
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