Diesel Shortage - Anyone Worried?

I’m worried, how can it not be concerning, the past few years has taught us that things can change rapidly, fortunately I have a gas powered truck and can keep the diesel for specific needs.
More concerning is the impact this fuel crisis will have and already has had on the supply chain and the added squeeze it will put on those that are already scraping to hold it together. I can’t believe we’re in this position as a country.
As for EV’s they’re dirtier to produce, expensive and impractical for a majority of people, they’re just not well enough refined to expect a rapid integration. It’s just not going to happen.
Fossil fuels are part of just about everything in one way or another, the idea that we’re going to move away from them is just plain stupid.
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I think we should all be worried. My construction crew uses anywhere between 30-100 gallons of diesel a day. We're currently working on a plant that produces food products on a global scale.

And we are just a drop in the bucket. There are hundreds of trucks and rail cars that roll in and out everyday. I could see a scale back of construction and maintenance in the future and fear it could lead to food shortages.
News agencies on the left and right feed off fear. Fear gets clicks and shares.

Is the entire globe wrestling with supply chain/workforce/inflation/war/infrastructure issues? Yes. We're still in a relatively strong position (hence the strong dollar).

My F350 stays parked and I drive my plug-in Prius more if things get too pricey. If the cost of goods goes way up I cut back on gucci hunting gear and keep my family fed. That lower demand will bring things back in line. Just sucks for the people at the bottom that are already scraping by and getting forced into homelessness as corporations rake in record profits and pay $0 in taxes...
I'm very excited for EV to become more common. Will they be useful in all situations, of course not. Will they be a much better option for the vast majority of miles driven in the US, I think they absolutely will. This will reduce demand for oil/gas/diesel and the price will drop. This reduces expense for those vehicles that need to remain gas/diesel powered. Win, win, win.

I don't understand the resistance to EV unless you make a living from oil/gas and it's a threat to your income. It seems like cultural/tribal group think fear mongering BS.

The tech is becoming better and better as the market moves towards EV and will continue to improve. There are certainly problems and concerns, just like there are/were with ICE, but I have confidence in our collective ability to engineer a solution.

It's obvious that we are being manipulated by big Oil. They're posting record profits while energy prices are the biggest part of inflation which is affecting us all. I'd like to raise a big middle finger by driving my solar powered EV 90% of the time and buying $2/gallon diesel for my big/long distance vehicle when it's needed.
I been hearing that the sky is falling (climate problems) for 45+ years.
Yet here we are.
This whole EV push is akin to buying 10,000 head of cattle because you want
to be a rancher - but you have nowhere to put the cattle.
First things first, and we're not there yet - not by a long stretch.
If you use fossil fuel to charge an ev how is that conserving fossil fuels/better for the environment? How is that going to bring down fossil fuel prices? The grid is stretched as it is...add millions of ev's and see what happens.
One word, efficiency. Even if EV is powered by fossil fuels, they do so more efficiently.
I don't understand the resistance to EV unless you make a living from oil/gas and it's a threat to your income. It seems like cultural/tribal group think fear mongering BS.
No living from oil and gas, but until they make vehicles with actual 1000 mile ranges (whether you're towing, cold weather, etc), or 5 min charge times, then they aren't very feasible for most Americans. Inside a city for commuting.......sure, they excel for that. Beyond that.......not even close to "feasible" at this point.

Beyond the range restrictions........where are they burying all these used EV batteries. I would think that the people that are pushing EV's the most, would be "extremely" concerned about that. But they aren't.......why? Because that's beyond their noses........not a concern right now. Seeing all the way down the road from the start requires logical thinking and deductive reasoning. Also lithium is getting ridiculously expensive. Batteries are going up, so EV car and truck prices will go up. Having to replace a battery is already expensive. Without addressing all the future concerns first, this is all a nonstarter for most people.......tribe or not.

Also, with the tech we have these days......why can't they design EV's to actually capture energy from the vehicles while they're moving down the road, and use that energy as well. I mean you have four wheels turning.......there's energy there to capture.