Diesel Shortage - Anyone Worried?

Even the guy running against Bobert says “We need energy independence”.

Till he gets elected, then it’s will be a necessary pain to break our love of fossil fuel.
The Democrat Fetterman in PA said in 2018 he has always been against fracking. Today he said he has always been for fracking. Really it was more like "Fracking good, me like fracking" then he clapped his hands and jumped up and down.
Exxon, Conoco, Chevron, etc, all posted 150% to as much as 280% profits over normal expectations this 2nd quarter. Its laughable to read comments from people on here who continue to think that high prices in the US are because of pure left-wing politics. Hyperinflation was predicted post pandemic while Trump was in office, and the US is actually seeing less inflation at the moment that much of the rest of the world.

We can and should produce the bulk of our own oil, but the US continues to rely on foreign oil because it is CHEAPER than what is domestically produced.
The Democrat Fetterman in PA said in 2018 he has always been against fracking. Today he said he has always been for fracking. Really it was more like "Fracking good, me like fracking" then he clapped his hands and jumped up and down.
I watched that “Debate”. Fetter man needs to get better before he tackles anything more than Cub Scout leader.
When they shut off any new leases on public land (thanks biden) we have to import oil. Just a few years ago we were nearly independent from imported oil.

How much was diesel then?

The current administration wants us to feel pain at the pump, and we do. Possibly someday the EVs will be ready for prime time, but not yet.
I asked my buddy who works in the oil industry the same question about diesel.

“More capacity has been removed since COVID. Government is subsidizing renewable fuel like Cheyenne (they produce less now). Permitting to expand is ridiculous, no new volume online and diesel is the highest demand fuel now.”

“Gasoline is still good but we are pushing diesel out as hard as we can due to demand and margin”
When they shut off any new leases on public land (thanks biden) we have to import oil. Just a few years ago we were nearly independent from imported oil.

How much was diesel then?

The current administration wants us to feel pain at the pump, and we do. Possibly someday the EVs will be ready for prime time, but not yet.
What was stopping oil companies from upping production? Nothing pure and simple. Wells that had not been fracked were left alone to keeps prices high add that with domestic exports and Huston we have a problem.
I asked my buddy who works in the oil industry the same question about diesel.

“More capacity has been removed since COVID. Government is subsidizing renewable fuel like Cheyenne (they produce less now). Permitting to expand is ridiculous, no new volume online and diesel is the highest demand fuel now.”

“Gasoline is still good but we are pushing diesel out as hard as we can due to demand and margin”
Smaller refineries were closed down when covid dropped demand. a Few refineries that closed are being converted to producing bio diesel and the conversion take a lot of time.
diesel exports are at record highs and I assume not low sulfur fuel being exported so easier-cheaper to refine and exported fuels pay no US fuel taxes so a win win for multinational oil companies.
We can and should produce the bulk of our own oil, but the US continues to rely on foreign oil because it is CHEAPER than what is domestically produced.
unfortunately, that's incorrect. its far cheaper for the US to produce oil since we are the largest oil producer in the world. remember, we do not import or export fuels for the sake of this argument, rather its crude oil so the crude we import still gets refined here. the reason we "rely" on import oil is simply more money to be made. we sell crude to other countries for good money, then buy from different countries for pennies then mark up oil cost so we pay higher prices not realizing what big oil is doing, they get money on both sides. if we kept everything here, they could only get paid from us, and we would not pay high prices for oil that we produced for nothing. plus the oil industry is used as a major facet for global domination by our government, hence why we constantly threaten to shut down major trade routes. he who controls the fuel controls the world. kinda f'd up huh.
oddly enough, that same threat applies to anyone willing to use it. if say for instance, we, the people were to shut down all fuel use or sale we would ruin big oil and the government in a matter of days. of course that would never happen and they know that. just like any country can also refuse to buy from us, but if that happens we cut off other major trades with them, there by destroying their economy. people suck lol
unfortunately, that's incorrect. its far cheaper for the US to produce oil since we are the largest oil producer in the world. remember, we do not import or export fuels for the sake of this argument, rather its crude oil so the crude we import still gets refined here. the reason we "rely" on import oil is simply more money to be made. we sell crude to other countries for good money, then buy from different countries for pennies then mark up oil cost so we pay higher prices not realizing what big oil is doing, they get money on both sides. if we kept everything here, they could only get paid from us, and we would not pay high prices for oil that we produced for nothing. plus the oil industry is used as a major facet for global domination by our government, hence why we constantly threaten to shut down major trade routes. he who controls the fuel controls the world. kinda f'd up huh.
oddly enough, that same threat applies to anyone willing to use it. if say for instance, we, the people were to shut down all fuel use or sale we would ruin big oil and the government in a matter of days. of course that would never happen and they know that. just like any country can also refuse to buy from us, but if that happens we cut off other major trades with them, there by destroying their economy. people suck lol
I disagree, Saudi oil is cheaper to produce and export than it is to produce the same end product here in the USA. Yes, the USA is the largest oil producer, but we chose to import more than we export, again because of cost. But I don't disagree that oil companies want to make a profit on each side of the equation.
And I don't think CBN "news" is a good source for real, unbiased information. lol
You got me there, it was just my first hit on search.

Right from CNN, a network I’m sure you trust.

"Number one, no more subsidies for fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends, number one."

That sounds a lot like war on the oil and gas industry.
Sad thing is, it is hurting a lot of Americans.
You can chose to blame Biden, but most major auto makers have pledged to quit manufacturing internal combustion engines by 2035. The transition is inevitable, like it or not.

Most major auto makers are saying by 2035 they are not making internal combustion engines??!

🤣🤣🤣 dude, where in the hell did you read this?
I believe the US chooses to import more than export because we sell 1 barrel of ours for the price of 10 from saudi and since the gulf has no other commodity they need to sell cheap to have an income and continue trade with the US as they manufacture nothing, which is why currently we are fighting with them and threatening to cut them off. I don't really know, none of us do, but that would be a sensible business move, so not really a cost issue as much as a greedy make more money issue.
as far as cars going full electric, never gonna happen. globally it would cause alot of problems. besides, we cant even figure out how to make batteries that work lol or have a stable power grid. electricity is probably the least stable source of power we have.