unfortunately, that's incorrect. its far cheaper for the US to produce oil since we are the largest oil producer in the world. remember, we do not import or export fuels for the sake of this argument, rather its crude oil so the crude we import still gets refined here. the reason we "rely" on import oil is simply more money to be made. we sell crude to other countries for good money, then buy from different countries for pennies then mark up oil cost so we pay higher prices not realizing what big oil is doing, they get money on both sides. if we kept everything here, they could only get paid from us, and we would not pay high prices for oil that we produced for nothing. plus the oil industry is used as a major facet for global domination by our government, hence why we constantly threaten to shut down major trade routes. he who controls the fuel controls the world. kinda f'd up huh.
oddly enough, that same threat applies to anyone willing to use it. if say for instance, we, the people were to shut down all fuel use or sale we would ruin big oil and the government in a matter of days. of course that would never happen and they know that. just like any country can also refuse to buy from us, but if that happens we cut off other major trades with them, there by destroying their economy. people suck lol