Diesel Shortage - Anyone Worried?

No living from oil and gas, but until they make vehicles with actual 1000 mile ranges (whether you're towing, cold weather, etc), or 5 min charge times, then they aren't very feasible for most Americans. Inside a city for commuting.......sure, they excel for that. Beyond that.......not even close to "feasible" at this point.

Beyond the range restrictions........where are they burying all these used EV batteries. I would think that the people that are pushing EV's the most, would be "extremely" concerned about that. But they aren't.......why? Because that's beyond their noses........not a concern right now. Seeing all the way down the road from the start requires logical thinking and deductive reasoning. Also lithium is getting ridiculously expensive. Batteries are going up, so EV car and truck prices will go up. Having to replace a battery is already expensive. Without addressing all the future concerns first, this is all a nonstarter for most people.......tribe or not.
Do you currently have a vehicle with 1000 mile range? I sure don't. My Ram 1500 might get 400 miles from a tank of gas. Time to recharge is obviously the biggest crux of current EV/battery technology. Engineering a solution is priority #1.

Battery repurpose is already a thing. EV will require the best tech, and the most efficient charge:weight. Recycling, rebuilding, or using the batteries in less demanding areas (home e- storage for example) are all reasonable options. The tech isn't perfect, but it's evolving rapidly.

Lithium, yeah, big challenge there as it's currently almost exclusively controlled by CCP. There are lots of very smart people working to come up with better solutions and I think it's just a matter of time until we have much improved the battery situation. Obviously, battery tech is the #1 challenge to solve/improve.
No living from oil and gas, but until they make vehicles with actual 1000 mile ranges (whether you're towing, cold weather, etc), or 5 min charge times, then they aren't very feasible for most Americans. Inside a city for commuting.......sure, they excel for that. Beyond that.......not even close to "feasible" at this point.
But commuting in urban areas is exactly what the majority of Americans are doing with their cars.

That have ranges of much less than 1,000 miles.
I'm very excited for EV to become more common. Will they be useful in all situations, of course not. Will they be a much better option for the vast majority of miles driven in the US, I think they absolutely will. This will reduce demand for oil/gas/diesel and the price will drop. This reduces expense for those vehicles that need to remain gas/diesel powered. Win, win, win.

I don't understand the resistance to EV unless you make a living from oil/gas and it's a threat to your income. It seems like cultural/tribal group think fear mongering BS.

The tech is becoming better and better as the market moves towards EV and will continue to improve. There are certainly problems and concerns, just like there are/were with ICE, but I have confidence in our collective ability to engineer a solution.

It's obvious that we are being manipulated by big Oil. They're posting record profits while energy prices are the biggest part of inflation which is affecting us all. I'd like to raise a big middle finger by driving my solar powered EV 90% of the time and buying $2/gallon diesel for my big/long distance vehicle when it's needed.
There are reasons EV is good, reasons EV is bad.

1. EV makes the most sense if you live in populated areas where drive times and distances are not great.
2. In populated areas it is easier to install the charging stations.
3. EV is more efficient even when burning fossil fuels because the energy creation happens at a larger (and more efficient) scale in a powerplant than in an internal combustion engine.

1. EV is not good for areas with cold climate and longer travel distances, unless you almost never leave the immediate area in which you live. In MT, EV is pretty worthless as a "one and only" vehicle, unless you never travel far from home.
2. Mining for minerals for batteries (lithium etc) is very harmful to environment. It also tends to occur in countries that do not have stringent environmental controls

Fuel costs, long term, are likely to increase, unless a significant drop in population occurs to decrease demand. EV as a town rig is a fine choice. In MT I will likely hold off until ranges improve to the point that it makes sense to go EV over a high fuel mileage vehicle, like my Honda Fit.
Also, with the tech we have these days......why can't they design EV's to actually capture energy from the vehicles while they're moving down the road, and use that energy as well. I mean you have four wheels turning.......there's energy there to capture.
because there's no money in that lol they can't charge you for energy you produced on your own.
I do not believe that, but you are certainly entitled to believe anything you want to believe. The people in europe will be cold this winter due to green tech efficiency....no thanks.
It's a verified fact that creating energy in power plants is more efficient than burning a fossil fuels at home. That's literally the reason they created power plants.

And the people in Europe will be cold this winter because they (collectively) refuse to get behind nuclear energy. Nuclear is by far the most efficient and clean source of energy.
Do you currently have a vehicle with 1000 mile range? I sure don't. My Ram 1500 might get 400 miles from a tank of gas. Time to recharge is obviously the biggest crux of current EV/battery technology. Engineering a solution is priority #1.

Battery repurpose is already a thing. EV will require the best tech, and the most efficient charge:weight. Recycling, rebuilding, or using the batteries in less demanding areas (home e- storage for example) are all reasonable options. The tech isn't perfect, but it's evolving rapidly.

Lithium, yeah, big challenge there as it's currently almost exclusively controlled by CCP. There are lots of very smart people working to come up with better solutions and I think it's just a matter of time until we have much improved the battery situation. Obviously, battery tech is the #1 challenge to solve/improve.
I can go 2000 miles in my pickup if not towing, if towing it’s around 1000 miles, great thing about owning a 1/2 ton diesel.
because there's no money in that lol they can't charge you for energy you produced on your own.
I believe they capture more from braking than movement. It's called regenerative braking. They can capture something like 30-50% of the energy lost in the braking process (the kinetic energy of the moving vehicle)
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Auto makers are complying with regulatory declarations on no combustion by 2035.

To me, this topic is window dressing. I think it’s about control and a massive step in limiting freedom. If, if only EV was the option the ability to live as you do now isn’t possible ie hunting, family vacations etc. I just don’t see the technology advancing in 12 years to be anything other than commuter and grocery getters.
some of this argument is funny. pro EV guys have no idea how very inefficient electricity is. were lucky if we are able to use 50% of the electricity captured. there are losses through every part involved. electricity is bled off of every wire and battery just sitting, what effect do you think that will have if in fact the world went electric. this surely isn't about the environment because its equally as bad to mine for and produce the needed elements for batteries. maybe some believe radiation is good, its already been proven to cause death. if everyone is really worried about the world, and you're concerned with local commuting then go ride a bicycle. if you have no problem walking 10 miles to hunt an elk then riding a bike 2 miles to work should be easy.
I'm not saying an EV is the worst idea, just that its not realistic for the near future and that it will only bring new unforeseen problems. swapping one problem for another still leaves you with problems. there has been numerous accounts of people developing actual clean safe ways to power vehicles, and every one of those people seems to have gone missing. Ford developed a zero emissions car that was suppose to go into production, what happened? it didn't fit the narrative.
Hunt your own meat, or grow your own garden: "good job independent man".

Heat your house with wood you cut: "good job independent man".

Provide your own energy with solar/wind: "communist hippie scum of the new world order..."

here's hoping the Northeast, particularly Vermont w/ their Communist Senator, is rewarded for voting blue and sees a brutal winter and the green new scam is further exposed as the left's concocted cabal to steal from the federal treasury and make $ for their donors.....
But commuting in urban areas is exactly what the majority of Americans are doing with their cars.

That have ranges of much less than 1,000 miles.
And that's fine........they can have their EV's. The rest of us need the petroleum vehicles we already have. There are some in this country that absolutely hate Americans having any independence at all......even the independence to drive wherever we want, when we want. The last place those people should be is.........IN POWER.

I can easily drive 1000 miles a day, and can make almost 700 miles on a tankful. But the fuel up is less than 5 minutes to get back on the road. With EV's it's almost a day in some cases. Not even remotely feasible at this point. And that's my point......at this point it's not feasible to have 100% EV's on the road........or anything close to that. We're decades away from that......if ever. This push has nothing to do with climate change or the climate.
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Everyone that I personally know who claims electric vehicles, windmills, solar is bad for the environment doesn't give a shit about the environment. The type that burns tires, drives lifted trucks to the grocery store. Opposition is politically driven. "Windmills kill birds!" (Then shoots Redwing Blackbird while target shooting.)