Diesel Shortage - Anyone Worried?

I'm not SUPER concerned, but I did just top off my truck yesterday JIC. I mostly see prices skyrocketing, but availability still being there. I work from home so don't drive a ton anymore so 65 gal of diesel will last me quite a while. I'm unfortunately not doing any hunting this year unless a deer crosses my path in the pasture.

I'm more concerned about the price of other goods as the trucking industry will pass those costs along to the rest of us. I'm not sure if that will translate into fewer trucks delivering things, and in turn less availability on the grocery shelves, but I tend to keep the basics on hand and will restock a few things, JIC.
PA guy here. My house is fuel oil heat with electric back up / supplement. Electric already costs a fortune to use here and rates are getting worse. I just filled my oil tank and will make sure to top off monthly as opposed to the typical wait until it is close to empty strategy this year. I don’t want to run out in February. Wood heat isn’t really a practical option for most. With normal fuel oil costs, the price you pay for hardwood ($200 a cord) doesn’t work unless you can access it for free. It work out o about 2x oil costs if you pay retail for the wood. my brother and mother in law have wood heat systems. They require daily attention and they each burn 7-10 cords of wood a year. He happens to have a small scale logging business so they are burning trees he can’t sell to the mills basically at his harvest costs + his time. Probably $50-75 a cord. If everyone starts switching to wood, their won’t be enough trees and at scale, the smoke from burning wood is far less efficient and environmentally friendly than oil.

I noticed gas had dipped to $3.70 per gallon in my area a few weeks back. It hit $4.10 this week.

All that sucks. jokes aside about cutting off fuel supplies, there are going to be some cold people in parts of Europe this winter. Combo of high prices and lack of supply. Beyond that, high fuel prices will absolutely prolong inflation and economic volatility. All that is no bueno.


More coming online as demand/supply does it's thing.

Here's an article from a non-tinfoil-hat-insurrectionist source.

Fuel prices might go back up again for a bit. Inflation is here. Thanks Obama!
How does this comment contribute to the thread? The thread was started about diesel fuel shortage, not as an open platform to express general political views.
It was a direct reply to someone saying he was surprised this thread wasn't locked yet. Am I wrong?

Plenty of comments on posts here everyday that don't contribute to the OP, threads and discussions evolve. But thanks for proving my point.
Worried? No. Concerned? Absolutely. Diesel is in every facet of production. Trucks, tractors, heavy machinery, boats. Every thing we touch has been moved by diesel.
It was a direct reply to someone saying he was surprised this thread wasn't locked yet. Am I wrong?

Plenty of comments on posts here everyday that don't contribute to the OP, threads and discussions evolve. But thanks for proving my point.
I know what you were replying to, general bashing of our government and specific politicians isn’t something that we tolerate and some comments were on that line. But you had to throw in your comment to make a jab against the forum not allowing a free-for-all bitch fest. So yeah you can have another time out.