You dont fight fire with fire, you fight fire with a leaf blower. - JBOf course, this will be historic when president Brandon kills inflation with inflation… “fight fire with fire don’t read the teleprompter man!”
Almost like he's saying technology and innovation didn't abruptly end with coal and gas in it's current use.....?hmm, well I know I wasn't around to verify this claim and I can 100% say no one on this forum was so I'll have to take your word for it. so, when this was said, what was it in reference to? ICE compared to what?
then my next question is, if the same can be said about ICE and you also argue that the ICE is bad then you in fact are arguing that electric will turn out bad like ICE. so what are you saying?
look, like 5miles said, you can have whatever you want but dont force your ideals on anyone else. neither electric nor fuel are good, as they both have profound negative effects on the world so at that point we should all be allowed to choose what WE want.
I like what Lion Energy has for residential and that it’s expandable.I have looked and priced them a few times...which system are looking at? I refuse to put power back into the grid, the local power company pays less for Kw hr you put into the system than they charge you for KWhr you use...I am not into making the utility company money.
Self contained system seems like a lot of maintenance and up keep...and the tax credits are not as appealing.
Plus I don't think any panel would hold up to our late winter/early spring hail storms..
The tech is getting better but I don't think it's there yet either.
80% says so right here…Please point me to your source that car engines are 80% efficient.
You should be voting that way anyway!If I can't get diesel for my truck, I will hunt out of my wife's Subaru and then vote for every Republican on the ballot. I might move a couple times and vote in a few different states for Republicans there too. I am also going to fill out a couple undated absentee ballots for my wife to hold and mail the event that I drop over dead because I'm hunting out of a Subaru....just to ensure I get one last vote in for Republicans.
Was that Bowmar or Biden?You dont fight fire with fire, you fight fire with a leaf blower. - JB
I’m seeing who actually reads the article. And enjoy sarcasm as much as the next.It's says bleeding edge tech may achieve 50% efficiency in the coming years...
I guess you're just trolling?
Similar to a locomotive.I’m seeing who actually reads the article. And enjoy sarcasm as much as the next.
The reason I posted that article specifically is that it describes the way the engine became more efficient was not traditional. Instead it used the engine to charge a battery which was used to drive an electric motor that drive the transmission. And it describes why that is more efficient than driving transmission directly.
I found it interesting and applicable to the convo.
BTW buy an EV or don’t. We aren’t in a rush to buy one because we drive vehicles till the bitter end. Best way get full value from them IMO. But we could easily get by with one of each. No way I’m traveling out of state with one but for 71% of living they would be more advantageous.
Signature worthy!You dont fight fire with fire, you fight fire with a leaf blower. - JB
I just traded an F250 in last week with that motor!I hope a older 7.3 f350 4x4 will pop up for a bargin!
He is still getting the blame,and rightfully soYou can chose to blame Biden, but most major auto makers have pledged to quit manufacturing internal combustion engines by 2035. The transition is inevitable, like it or not.
Would that be a gas-powered blower, or a tyrannical government mandated electric blower?You dont fight fire with fire, you fight fire with a leaf blower. - JB
I would love to be able to ride my mountain bike to work everyday.some of this argument is funny. pro EV guys have no idea how very inefficient electricity is. were lucky if we are able to use 50% of the electricity captured. there are losses through every part involved. electricity is bled off of every wire and battery just sitting, what effect do you think that will have if in fact the world went electric. this surely isn't about the environment because its equally as bad to mine for and produce the needed elements for batteries. maybe some believe radiation is good, its already been proven to cause death. if everyone is really worried about the world, and you're concerned with local commuting then go ride a bicycle. if you have no problem walking 10 miles to hunt an elk then riding a bike 2 miles to work should be easy.
I'm not saying an EV is the worst idea, just that its not realistic for the near future and that it will only bring new unforeseen problems. swapping one problem for another still leaves you with problems. there has been numerous accounts of people developing actual clean safe ways to power vehicles, and every one of those people seems to have gone missing. Ford developed a zero emissions car that was suppose to go into production, what happened? it didn't fit the narrative.