Diesel Shortage - Anyone Worried?

some of this argument is funny. pro EV guys have no idea how very inefficient electricity is. were lucky if we are able to use 50% of the electricity captured. there are losses through every part involved. electricity is bled off of every wire and battery just sitting, what effect do you think that will have if in fact the world went electric. this surely isn't about the environment because its equally as bad to mine for and produce the needed elements for batteries. maybe some believe radiation is good, its already been proven to cause death. if everyone is really worried about the world, and you're concerned with local commuting then go ride a bicycle. if you have no problem walking 10 miles to hunt an elk then riding a bike 2 miles to work should be easy.
I'm not saying an EV is the worst idea, just that its not realistic for the near future and that it will only bring new unforeseen problems. swapping one problem for another still leaves you with problems. there has been numerous accounts of people developing actual clean safe ways to power vehicles, and every one of those people seems to have gone missing. Ford developed a zero emissions car that was suppose to go into production, what happened? it didn't fit the narrative.
Please tell me more about electricity being "captured" and how it's bled off and lost....
Says the Southeast will be the first to see the shortage.
Glad I got rid of my 2500 diesel.
But everything will go up e$ponentially.
My daily driver is an Audi TDI so a diesel shortage is gonna suck for me.

Here in Hoosierland, diesel demand should drop a little with most of the crops being out by end of October.
Not super worried. I've been commuting with my wife so the truck has been sitting more often. I'll probably fill up Monday or Tuesday though. I save $10 for every day I don't drive my truck to work
Yeah but what about when tomorrow they ban all diesel trucks, say you have 1 week to leave the state or turn in all firearms, and start COVID testing every 24 hours and then gas goes up to 10/gal. and there’s a blizzard.
Yeah but what about when tomorrow they ban all diesel trucks, say you have 1 week to leave the state or turn in all firearms, and start COVID testing every 24 hours and then gas goes up to 10/gal. and there’s a blizzard.

Then you just use your bootstraps!
The Democrat Fetterman in PA said in 2018 he has always been against fracking. Today he said he has always been for fracking. Really it was more like "Fracking good, me like fracking" then he clapped his hands and jumped up and down.
Mongo like fracking?
I'm beginning to believe maybe governments want all electric vehicles, because it won't work on a large scale and they can greatly restrict our travels. Make us move to big cities and take mass transportation, live in pods, and recreate in federal public land virtually. Sounds FANTASTIC!!
Yeah but what about when tomorrow they ban all diesel trucks, say you have 1 week to leave the state or turn in all firearms, and start COVID testing every 24 hours and then gas goes up to 10/gal. and there’s a blizzard.
Yeah no, until there’s something to substantiate that stuff we don’t need it on Rokslide.
• The US can also limit exports, which critics say could backfire in a similar way, damaging US relations with allies in Europe and Latin America. It would also likely force some producers to reduce operations to protect margins. For example, around 40% of diesel produced on the US Gulf Coast is exported. Taking away such a big, lucrative outlet will almost certainly cause refiners to adjust output.
Yeah but what about when tomorrow they ban all diesel trucks, say you have 1 week to leave the state or turn in all firearms, and start COVID testing every 24 hours and then gas goes up to 10/gal. and there’s a blizzard.
yeah cool scenario. I have a v-blade snow plow. I don't get stuck. I don't covid test. I'll find another job if I'm forced to vaccinate. I lost all my guns in a boating accident. just because they ban something doesn't mean I'll get rid of it. I still have a motorcycle I can commute on