Finding petroglyphs


Aug 6, 2019
Recently saw this in the news - glad they got the perpetrators.

Sorry, I have to say something about people destroying, defacing and damaging ancient sites, historical places and petroglyphs - WTF is wrong with people? I have seen a dozen pristine pictographs as a kid only to go back 10 years later to see them defaced. People have become more disrespectful, dishonorable, narcissistic, hateful and idiotic over the last few years.

I have found two previously unknown locations just hiking around over the years and because of this I have never told anyone about them or shown anyone else where they are.
Not surprisingly, federal sentences in these types of cases are very light. I fully realize this isn't a case that compares to a major drug distributor, but it is impactful nonetheless. I don't know the facts of the alleged violation or the defendant's criminal history, but my bet is that this will result in a misdemeanor resolution.
Not surprisingly, federal sentences in these types of cases are very light. I fully realize this isn't a case that compares to a major drug distributor, but it is impactful nonetheless. I don't know the facts of the alleged violation or the defendant's criminal history, but my bet is that this will result in a misdemeanor resolution.
7mm-08 you are, unfortunately, correct that it typically ends up as a misdemeanor.

Another WTF that gets under my skin is Boulder rolling - I remember some guys dislodging giant boulders from cliffs below a dam in Wyoming, which is considered a federal crime as it was federal land but they got misdemeanors.

Remember the climber that was killed in the Wind Rivers when someone threw a rock off a cliff in Wyoming.

Here is one from Lake Mead - glad they got the guy doing this.

I do think there needs to be more face tattoos handed down during sentencing.

Skip the fines and go straight to a “I defaced your public heritage” stenciled across their foreheads. Both a punishment and a public service reminder deterrent.
There is a privately owned petroglyph site just a few miles from me. A really amazing place. It’s really easy to see why the native Americans spent time there. But I bet there is a dozen names carved in the wall. Literally makes me sick.
Another site that is one of the coolest places I have ever been is medicine rock state park in eastern MT. The place has been literally destroyed by people carving their names in the soft sand stone. There is a special place in “ purgatory” for those folks.
I do think there needs to be more face tattoos handed down during sentencing.

Skip the fines and go straight to a “I defaced your public heritage” stenciled across their foreheads. Both a punishment and a public service reminder deterrent.
Now THIS is a novel approach. A few publicized photos of the convinced (post sentencing, of couse) would be quite the deterrent.
My dad once told me as a kid, people who write on bathroom walls, role their sh@t in little balls. People who read these words of wit, eat these balls of sh@t. Probably 1970s. Thanks dad.
It is so cool to find these and see them up close. I've seen them in multiple states....and I've seen some cool ones in Eastern Utah where someone took a can of spray paint to the same wall.

I don't know what's wrong with people.....but I do know there is a small % of the population that is just plain Bad and should be a 3 strikes and you're dead scenario.
I’ve often wondered what I would do if I caught someone defacing petroglyphs. I’d try and stay within the law depending on their reaction to my action. We spend a fair amount of time looking for them. IMG_6891.jpeg
I’ve often wondered what I would do if I caught someone defacing petroglyphs. I’d try and stay within the law depending on their reaction to my action. We spend a fair amount of time looking for them. View attachment 802685
Those are some really cool ones. Three possibilities for the artist’s inspiration …vivid imaginations, peyote, alien encounters. Or all three. There’s some near me and one of them looks exactly like an astronaut in an Apollo mission re-entry module.

It angers and saddens me beyond words to see people destroy the irreplaceable. There are definitely some people who I think “The only reason you are still alive is because it’s illegal to kill you”
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I have worked on two separate military installations in the Desert southwest, both had petroglyphs. We did not tell a soul about them outside of environmental office.