All of you people that support corner crossing seem to forget that in some cases in order to reach that corner you have to tresspass on somebody's private property. If you are traveling through public land in order to access a corner crossing then I have no problem with your actions, as long as you don't have to tresspass in order to get over any fences. The vast majority of land owners agree that it's wrong to interfere with access to public lands but the truth is that some people that think that they have a right to corner cross will tresspass in order to reach that corner. They aren't floating over the ground, they are driving, riding, or walking on private property at some point in order to get to the corner. It is absolutely impossible to walk on a real world land boundary that is drawn on a map without actually touching private property.
I own a small parcel of land next to Helena National Forest (where I have a permenant residence) and I've had several people over the years attempt to drive up my POSTED, PRIVATE driveway and along my property line, which requires that they drive off of my driveway and over a small pasture area in order to reach the property boundary that is adjacent to another private parcel in order to access public land that lies on my property's back edge - even though there are public Forest Service roads leading to the very same area no more than 3 miles away. This is the reality of what corner crossing is, it's tresspassing on private land.
Yes, allowing people to tresspass on my property will result in even more tresspassing. Under our corrupted legal system if I allow even one person to cross regularly then I've set a precedent of allowing public acces to my private property which could be contrued to mean that I gave up control of my private land to the public. I can easily be sued for trying stop people from tresspassing using any number of legal tactics. If a person feels that it's legal to cross my private property on one boundry then it's a sure thing that sombody will assume that they can cross at any other point along my property boundries and I wont be able to stop them since traditioinally I've allowed access through my private lands. In essence, I've given up my private property rights and made my land public land.