OK I'm waiting on the results like everyone, so I'll tillt at this windmill.
I have the recap report from 2021. I have the same PDFs everyone can get for the past decade. I know exactly how many people drew unit fifty-one-minus-two (since we're being secretive). All that posting here or another forum does is confirm that one of the people who drew is ALSO a member of this forum. But I didn't need a post here to confirm the opposite, because the recaps already tell me that.
And from the reports, this is a 2-6 point unit depending on the season you file for. So it's not something a random person off the street just getting into hunting is going to stumble over and be an extra person in the field ruining your hunt. Most of the seasons I see only have a quota of 100 so you really have to choose to want to hunt there. A random forum post isn't helpful to somebody without points, and isn't useful to somebody like me with 6 points and definite plans how to use them next year.
So what's the big deal? Using the same data available to everybody else, forum or no, I already know people are hunting there, and even how many. This whole thing about "drawing attention to a unit..." I mean, it's not like there's a secret unit somewhere nobody hunts. They're ALL packed, even the premium zones. If the unit exists, people know about it.
Genuinely open-minded here and curious about the rationale. But I'm struggling to see how it matters. Now that we all have TopRut, GoHunt Insider, OnX filters, HuntScore, and others I haven't even noticed, what's the advantage in keeping one individual's plans a secret? If you aren't going to publicly post actual DATA like specific (and recent) herd-sighting locations, what's the real value of a number in a message post?
Honestly, seeing a post here about a specific zone number makes me LESS likely to want to hunt it, rather than more.