Colorado Draw results 2023

I can see where you are coming from. But as cumulative effect, with all the other resources that you mentioned, all the escouting we can do, and all the shows that show specific skylines of mtns that people can recognize (I get they may not be able to do anything about that) I just don't feel that posting about specific unit #s is helpful. I think in the long run, it does have an effect on the popularity of units.

I think there is further evidence of this based on the admins here on rokslide actually shutting down forums and posts on specific units.

I agree that shows and podcast talking about specific locations isn't helpful, however I've never seen, to my knowledge an episode of meateater where they are showing the specific unit they hunt in. Maybe they show the national forest area or something, but not a specific unit number.
Yeah I'm not disagreeing outright, just musing this through in my head. What I can't find is any evidence for or against this. Not anecdotes, I mean actual data. Take the admins shutting down threads. That's happened in a few cases... but why? Was it evidence that it led to a problem? Or just more instinctive reaction on the part of the admins, following the same logic? There are plenty of posts that weren't taken down. Do we actually know that these influenced lottery application behaviors in any way?

Thinking this through another direction, I also can't find a good logical basis for saying posting "I'm hunting in Unit 801" is actually helpful to others. There are plenty of "PM sent" replies to suggest that forum members are helping each other out in private, so we can assume the original poster gets some benefit. But I'm at a loss to see how I personally benefit from knowing the zone somebody else is in...

I'll admit I haven't exactly done a frequency count of the dates people post these things, but it's a safe bet most get posted not long after draw results come out, as forum members look for input from others. Like here in this thread. At that point the ship has sailed - the best it would do is influence your plan the following year. What's the value of year-old information? Again, Iwithout coordinates or detailed trip reports (THOSE can be chock FULL of identifiable photos) this is nothing the draw reports wouldn't tell you. 100 tags got drawn, all you know now is the forum nickname of one of those 100 people.

Still no CC hit here either way... Tick tock... Just so we're clear I'm doing ZERO work today. :)
Yeah I'm not disagreeing outright, just musing this through in my head. What I can't find is any evidence for or against this. Not anecdotes, I mean actual data. Take the admins shutting down threads. That's happened in a few cases... but why? Was it evidence that it led to a problem? Or just more instinctive reaction on the part of the admins, following the same logic? There are plenty of posts that weren't taken down. Do we actually know that these influenced lottery application behaviors in any way?

Thinking this through another direction, I also can't find a good logical basis for saying posting "I'm hunting in Unit 801" is actually helpful to others. There are plenty of "PM sent" replies to suggest that forum members are helping each other out in private, so we can assume the original poster gets some benefit. But I'm at a loss to see how I personally benefit from knowing the zone somebody else is in...

I'll admit I haven't exactly done a frequency count of the dates people post these things, but it's a safe bet most get posted not long after draw results come out, as forum members look for input from others. Like here in this thread. At that point the ship has sailed - the best it would do is influence your plan the following year. What's the value of year-old information? Again, Iwithout coordinates or detailed trip reports (THOSE can be chock FULL of identifiable photos) this is nothing the draw reports wouldn't tell you. 100 tags got drawn, all you know now is the forum nickname of one of those 100 people.

Still no CC hit here either way... Tick tock... Just so we're clear I'm doing ZERO work today. :)
Quick google search of best units to apply in CO

Oh and officially have struck out for the third time to point creep and slowly losing the race.
Finally showing a new point. No first choice this year for me. Still showing entered and still no CC charge or email.
Quick google search of best units to apply in CO

Oh and officially have struck out for the third time to point creep and slowly losing the race.
I get what you're saying but I feel like if your example is a person with 16 points I think that cuts out almost all of the people who would use a forum post to pick a unit in the first place... Those people have had almost two decades to stew on which zones they want to hunt and I'd bet a box of donuts most of them have a pretty clear idea what they want to use them on. With some exceptions I bet most have been dreaming about a specific unit or two since they started.

Counting out RFW tags, I only see TWO tags that even qualify at exactly 16 points - one muzzleloader and one archery. (Caveat: random quick filter in HuntScore, which has been inaccurate before. But still, it's close.) If I expand my filter to anything that might be drawable with 15-18, I only see six tags and still in only three units. I can't even imagine spending 16 years to earn points and have that be the thing that drives me. One of them, unit 61, I'm not even afraid to say out loud because literally everybody knows that one - it's legendary.

Point creep is a totally different problem to me. I wish I had the answer for it, I share your frustration there. I'm in a "donut hole" myself, where I have just enough points to feel like a 1-3 point draw is a "waste," but not enough to qualify for something really high end. And now there's talk about changing or eliminating the system, with half the crowd shouting "use your points now!!!" and the other half saying "wait, not quite yet." I can't imagine what they'll do to "fix" this but if I know one thing, it's that whatever they decide is probably going to screw SOMEBODY...
I just gained a preference point, so this year is a no for me. Next year my odds will be reduced because of the reduction of NR tags. So next year might not happen either. This sucks.

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I gained a point, so 2nd choice for me. Unit 🤬.

@taskswap there is an area in WY that was totally blown up years ago on a different forum. It happens.

You’re under the impression everyone puts as much effort into research as you , me, us. But there are vast amounts of people that have from zero to 20+ points that have no plan or clue where to apply or how the draws work. Their only research is google and/or ask on a forum. They go on a forum for nothing more than to ask. Although those people may be as entitled to the tags as us, we’ve decided that they’re not getting a free hand out. Mods have decided if you don’t participate, you don’t get to ask. I like it.

Why a person would announce to the world where they’re hunting, I can’t really answer that one.
What is the process for returning a tag.

Drew my 4th choice. Have to decide between 3rd season rifle (NR PRICES) or just sticking to Midwest whitetails in rut.

Was hoping to draw archery again
Damn missed that non resident cow tag prices are non longer discounted. Thought I drew a second choice either sex based on the CC charge amount, bummer.

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I gained a point, so 2nd choice for me. Unit 🤬.

@taskswap there is an area in WY that was totally blown up years ago on a different forum. It happens.

You’re under the impression everyone puts as much effort into research as you , me, us. But there are vast amounts of people that have from zero to 20+ points that have no plan or clue where to apply or how the draws work. Their only research is google and/or ask on a forum. They go on a forum for nothing more than to ask. Although those people may be as entitled to the tags as us, we’ve decided that they’re not getting a free hand out. Mods have decided if you don’t participate, you don’t get to ask. I like it.

Why a person would announce to the world where they’re hunting, I can’t really answer that one.
Yeah that's fair. I do see a flip side in that, because I've been accused of asking for free-handout information myself, and I probably put in 50-60 hours of research a year just online, not even counting scouting trips. (If I'm not hunting, I'm dreaming about hunting, planning hunts, or buying gear. I can't help it.) And I'm the last person who wants data on a "honey hole" - if anything, I tend to view spots like that as places to avoid. But maybe I'm the exception.

Hunt information is a sensitive topic, for sure. But I'm done here now, I just drew my fourth choice, unit AL8 which I hear is fantastic. Now I'm off to my next favorite distraction, memorizing topo maps! Enjoy and good luck, all!