BLM on two corners with Private on the other two, ok to cross corner?

Just so I am clear you would need to give notice to all of the property owners at common corner, not just the one you are using to get access to the corner?

Just went did a Beta test.

I went out to my driveway and stood for several minutes with OnX open on my phone at the control joint in the concrete.
(This would represent the intersection of ‘land corners’)

I then ‘Marked My Location’ on OnX

The location from OnX was approximately 8’ away from where I was standing.

My point is that at some point in time you probably won’t always be on public land when corner crossing using OnX.

Now, if you had a sub-meter gps in your hand, you will probably be pretty close.

But I haven’t seen many hunters carrying one of them around.

Just to play devil's advocate, it was close enough to get you to the joint if that joint was a visible monument representing the corner. In which case it would be very easy to no step foot on the private surface when corner hopping, only the air space would be impacted.

But you are entirely correct that recreaction grade GPS is not the end all be all for a property corner.
If there is a monument at a corner yet that is not right based on plats or surveys, My guess is no law enforcement or CA can legally charge you for adhering to said monument. If said monument was not recognized then every single trespass would have to be verified by getting multiple surveyors out to figure out what is correct or not. Seems we are going a bit overboard

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I am not trying to be a horses rear. But to me private property rights trump any bodies right to trespass on my or anyone else's private property (no matter by how little) to access landlocked public land. BuzzH there is a difference in locating a pin and relocating a pin. And if you think your GPS is spot on, the next time you go to your favorite hunting honey hole try leaving home before daylight and drive with your lights off and just follow the road with your GPS. By the way land lines on your OnX, Hunt Stand or whatever app. are only as accurate as they are entered by the government worker at the assessors office. Many properties have not been surveyed in several generations. My property has not been surveyed since the 1950s. I walked around the fences with a real time GPS before I bought the property in 2002. The deed said 1731/2 acres, The GPS said 150, I talked to the owners and we decided to have a licensed surveyor examine the deed and plat it in his computer. We then agreed to go by his professional opinion.
just remember the enemy of your enemy is not your friend. You enlist some leftists in the hopes of expanding hunting opportunities and you’ll end up with access for all purposes except hunting.

do not lack the imagination to see how the left can play their game within yours.
I'm amazed at how much credit some here are willing to give "the left" for being so clever and cunning. LOL
I'm amazed at how much credit some here are willing to give "the left" for being so clever and cunning. LOL

Mate, are you paying attention to the current admin and what they have convinced large swaths of the American people to think?

if not, start paying attention. As a start, explain the nuance of the word “intersectional” as used by Harris the other day, and realize that was spoken by the vice-president of the most powerful nation on earth.

I’ll wait…
Devil’s Advocate II - what if the monument wasn’t placed correctly in the first place?
Then you are in the weeds. You need to have a land surveyor determine if the property corner was set in error unacceptable of the standards of care for the time in which it was set. Generally corners set by the BLM and GLO are held to be without error.
So do this….

Anyone can open OnX and walk outside to the nearest property line. See how close you are.

Be sure to zoom in and then ‘Mark your Location’

See what it says
I am not trying to be a horses rear. But to me private property rights trump any bodies right to trespass on my or anyone else's private property (no matter by how little) to access landlocked public land. BuzzH there is a difference in locating a pin and relocating a pin. And if you think your GPS is spot on, the next time you go to your favorite hunting honey hole try leaving home before daylight and drive with your lights off and just follow the road with your GPS. By the way land lines on your OnX, Hunt Stand or whatever app. are only as accurate as they are entered by the government worker at the assessors office. Many properties have not been surveyed in several generations. My property has not been surveyed since the 1950s. I walked around the fences with a real time GPS before I bought the property in 2002. The deed said 1731/2 acres, The GPS said 150, I talked to the owners and we decided to have a licensed surveyor examine the deed and plat it in his computer. We then agreed to go by his professional opinion.
Yeah, more pure BS...nobody is claiming hand-held GPS accuracy is sub-foot, but sure as hell is close enough to relocate pins I punched in the ground 20+ years ago that have been changed from one coordinate system to another (many after differential correction). Off by a few feet, not 20 feet, not 100's of feet...a few feet.

That's more than accurate enough to locate a corner. If no corner exists, way more than good enough to cross a corner to adhere to make it impossible for a WY warden to cite you under title 23.

Look, read the AG's opinion and the GF've been led to water as well.

Even in cases that are NOT related to a corner, a warden here in Wyoming is going to use onx and a handheld GPS to see where you, and they are located. In fact, they use the exact same GPS that I use at work. If their onx shows you, or your dead animal is on won't be getting a ticket. Apparently those chitty government workers that work for the assessors office do a good enough job to satisfy trespass.

I killed a wtail buck here a few years back that was very close to a boundary. Got turned in and took the warden to the kill site and I was 40-50 feet within the BLM and our GPS's and onx software both showed the exact same thing. That's the best available technology and exactly what wardens use to determine ownership. I knew I was right the whole time had my entire track on the GPS...clearly no violation.

If you don't like it, contact Rick King and tell him his wardens are doing it wrong and they should be listening to you and your surveyor. Also let them know what better technology they are supposed to use.

Good luck with that.

The amount of ridiculous arguments against accessing public land by stepping from one piece of public to another at a corner is only proving one thing, the lack of value we place on accessing MY public lands.

I cross corners and will continue to do it in both MT and WY. Landowners have everything to lose trying to stop it (unfavorable court case), hunters have nothing to lose by doing it.
I say try to prosecute the next person that steps foot on your lawn. If they judge/cops laugh at you, then you're clear to corner cross!

Apparently they dont even have to step on your lawn. If you see someone waving their arm over your airspace call the cops.

I cant even get the person to stop throwing that worthless newspaper thing on my property.
So do this….

Anyone can open OnX and walk outside to the nearest property line. See how close you are.

Be sure to zoom in and then ‘Mark your Location’

See what it says.

Close enough to find the line...and the corners of my property.
Apparently they dont even have to step on your lawn. If you see someone waving their arm over your airspace call the cops.

I cant even get the person to stop throwing that worthless newspaper thing on my property.
Right, what a joke.

I can hardly wait for the neighbor kids to kick a soccer ball on my property, I'll have the Sheriff up here giving them a trespass ticket...

Odd that property rights are a one-way street with a bunch posting on this thread.

Just went did a Beta test.

I went out to my driveway and stood for several minutes with OnX open on my phone at the control joint in the concrete.
(This would represent the intersection of ‘land corners’)

I then ‘Marked My Location’ on OnX

The location from OnX was approximately 8’ away from where I was standing.

My point is that at some point in time you probably won’t always be on public land when corner crossing using OnX.

Now, if you had a sub-meter gps in your hand, you will probably be pretty close.

But I haven’t seen many hunters carrying one of them around.

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CNelk just duplicated my ice fishing scenario above showing the differences from position to position. But with some Tuesday humor, he knew there would be a difference as he has all kinds of ice fishing spots loaded up and I'm sure the GPS has brought him to a location, and it says "Here" but 10 feet from "Here" is his auger hole from the week prior. Cnelk, you drilling new holes 10 feet away? Or drilling next to the week old hole?

What your scenario didn't incorporate is how the person uploaded or keyed in the actual coordinate of the section corner and how those values were derived. I'm not sure if you saw the link I provided, but it has a few counties in CO, but not all. Those counties are helping us, and is a good link. If your county isn't listed then you're forced to a click on Onx, or a click with google to extract a coordinate which surely will be a couple feet off at best. Will it get you there? Most likely as long as you understand you may drift into private lands.

Many corners as I mentioned don't have geodetic values on them i.e Latitude and Longitude. Remember, surveyors work with a plat. That plat is defined by bearings, distances, etc. If you hand me a plat that has bearings and distances how can I use my GPS to find the corner if I don't have published values? Simple answer, I create my own coordinate system to find them. If you're lucky, once my survey is done, I will put them on the national grid, but most times I won't. So you're back to "how to I get sub inch positions on a corner?" Answer....... Depends but measuring a point with Onx then navigating to it is the egg before the chicken.
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