Nevada Trespass Law


Sep 27, 2016
I have a call in to the office, but figured I would touch on everyone’s experience here.

I am looking forward to my first hunt in Nevada, and it appears Nevadas trespass laws are a bit different than what I am used to.

#1 - Private land that is not marked with no-trespass signs, flagged with orange paint, or under cultivation is legal to access unless to landowner asks you to leave? Is this a correct interpretation?

#2 - roads on or passing through private land. Similar to above, if not marked private or orange post?

#3 - A little more complicated, but would a cattle operation be considered “cultivation”?

I have an area in the unit I am in that has some checkerboard. If I can cross it, that could change my approach a bit. Lots of other public private crossover. I do not really need access to these areas, but it would be great to have a clear understanding what is/is not legal just in case I need to pivot.


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I live in NV and I interpret it the same as you. Cattle on open range I don’t consider cultivation (in my opinion).
I believe Nevada also includes fencing the area. So if the private kand is simply fenced, you cannot enter without permission.