Arizona Draw to cover two years

Isn't it a $160 savings? I don't apply for MD every year, so I'm not worried about loyalty points for that. ELK>MD

If you start this year you’ll save $160 next year but not the year after so it works out to an average annual savings of $80 per year, best case. “Best case” because you’ll only to be able to skip years for 5-6 consecutive years because the draw date will to reset to a later date than a current year application since the first Tuesday will land on Feb. 1 every 5-6 years and be reset to Feb. 6 or 7. Leap years will shorten the time frame too. Thus the $60 per year estimated annual savings. If you apply for deer two or more years in a row the savings are slightly less.

For me it’s not worth the trouble or risk of forgetting to apply on the deadline date to save less than a what half a tank of gas cost.
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It's $160 in savings... This year I pay $160, next year I pay $0. Therefore I save $160 every other year, until it resets. It's worth it if only applying on one draw deadline per year... at least to me.
So, my license says its good from 2-5-24 thru 2-3-25 which makes me have to purchase another license this year. Shouldn't it be good through 2-5-25 or am I missing something? Or is this just their way of making me spend more money?
YearTypeNumberValid FromValid ToDuplicate?StatusAuto Renew
2024NON-RES COMBOHQ5240452/5/20242/3/2025NoValidAdd
365 days from the 'valid from' date, inclusive. It looks like you set your effective date one day too early last year. You will need to buy another license that is valid from 2-4-25 for this year's draw.
365 from 2-5-24 should be 2-5-25....or mabe i'm just dumb...i just know i bought on the last day last year so it would be good for this year. I dont know anything about setting an effective date. oh well whats another $160
For me it’s not worth the trouble or risk of forgetting to apply on the deadline date to save less than a what half a tank of gas cost.
I apply in multiply states every year..saving $160 a yr on sunken costs its worth taking 3 min to set a reminder on my phone.

No system problems at 6 am EST. :cool:
Should be “NOPE, not yet!” lol.

Good to hear the system is working as intended. Kind of boggles my mind in today’s technological world how these various websites can be overrun with users attempting to sign on at the same time.

Don’t want to throw this thread off too much further. Hope others are able to get a similar email:

“Thank you for contributing to wildlife conservation in Arizona! Good luck this season! Below is your Big Game Draw receipt for your records.You have successfully applied for….”

“May the odds be ever in your favor”
You fellers inspired me to come in early to get my app in this morning. I did it!

Also, why can't you apply for elk and antelope at the same time?

Also, why do they sell you PointGuardPlus two years in a row if it is good for 3 years? Wasted $25 (or one third of $25 depending on your accounting tendencies).
You fellers inspired me to come in early to get my app in this morning. I did it!

Also, why can't you apply for elk and antelope at the same time?

Also, why do they sell you PointGuardPlus two years in a row if it is good for 3 years? Wasted $25 (or one third of $25 depending on your accounting tendencies).
Point guard plus is not good for 3 years. It is only good for one year. But if you apply for 3 or more species it saves you money. Instead of $10/species for point guard you are only paying $25/year for point guard plus to cover all species you apply for.
You fellers inspired me to come in early to get my app in this morning. I did it!

Also, why can't you apply for elk and antelope at the same time?

Also, why do they sell you PointGuardPlus two years in a row if it is good for 3 years? Wasted $25 (or one third of $25 depending on your accounting tendencies).
The make you come back out to get the other app fee...if you could apply at the same time it would only cost you 15 bucks...dont know if u noticed but the app fee shows up in your cart before you select a species...

Never understood the point guard, if I draw a AZ elk tag I would have to bed ridden or dead not to make it... either of those case I wouldn't care about an elk tag.
Point guard plus is not good for 3 years. It is only good for one year. But if you apply for 3 or more species it saves you money. Instead of $10/species for point guard you are only paying $25/year for point guard plus to cover all species you apply for.
The make you come back out to get the other app fee...if you could apply at the same time it would only cost you 15 bucks...dont know if u noticed but the app fee shows up in your cart before you select a species...

It's like when I tell my kids, that most often the answer to any why question is one of two things: money or power.