BLM on two corners with Private on the other two, ok to cross corner?

I spoke with a warden in Northern CO about this and they told me it wasn’t allowed. Super frustrating how they drew the lines.
The supreme court ruling on this leaves a big enough hole that it could be revisited. The land owner has rights to airspace to as much as he could occupy. So... if danny divito is the landowner, a 4 foot step ladder would legally be in conforming with the ruling.
Like every Hunter, I wish we were able to cross corners. But.. I do understand why we can’t. Imagine if the private landowners were to put up 10 foot tall walls at the corners of their property. It would then technically be impossible to cross the corner without trespassing. So, what is the right thing to do? I say, work with the landowners that we can. Understand the wishes of the ones that we can’t work with.
Like every Hunter, I wish we were able to cross corners. But.. I do understand why we can’t. Imagine if the private landowners were to put up 10 foot tall walls at the corners of their property. It would then technically be impossible to cross the corner without trespassing. So, what is the right thing to do? I say, work with the landowners that we can. Understand the wishes of the ones that we can’t work with.
You could put a ladder against the corners and climb over, perfect example of why it is dumb

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No. You couldn’t put a ladder on the wall. Because the wall would be on private property.
No, two “L” shaped walls. With the corner points coming within 1/8 inch of each other.
I agree that it’s dumb that we can’t cross corners.
But.. so many people can only see their side, and what benefits them. We need to try and understand the whole situation, and come to common sense solutions.
I believe it was trespassing. I was with the landowner shooting pdogs and we saw them stop and do it from a distance. We then saw the GW truck heading down the road. Land owner jumped in truck and flagged down GW. They both went to confront the hunters. Returned and said 2 of the 4 got tickets.

Thought I should revise this. A recent thread got me thinking so I text my buddy. The individuals I saw get cited in wyoming did not infact corner hop. They crossed 100 yards of deeded ground to access blm. I was mistaken. The two individuals with tags got the tickets. The other two did not.
People that don't know will tell you it's illegal in Wyoming.
The worst you'll get is a warning from a deputy, they won't, and don't write tickets. And when you read the " my friend got a ticket", it's because they didn't cross at a corner. I know of two tickets; the courts tossed the first and the wardens boss tossed the second. Wyoming wardens can't write a ticket for just crossing at a corner, it needs to be a game violation.
I called the chief game warden in WY and told him where I was going to corner cross. Short answer was , you'll be fine. I showed the local warden on his map draped over the hood of his truck where I was going to corner cross and the reply was "keep a track, stay on public, and if the lo gives you grief record it."

You can't get a ticket at this corner with a deputy standing there watching you, it's been tried.

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This post aged well....
Yes it has everything in wapitibobs post is accurate...
Which is that? His first post that jumping the corner will only get you a warning?

People that don't know will tell you it's illegal in Wyoming.
The worst you'll get is a warning from a deputy, they won't, and don't write tickets. And when you read the " my friend got a ticket", it's because they didn't cross at a corner.”

I guess keeping this on track, really isn’t about keeping it on track.

Watch yourself out there and by all means, watch out for internet tough guys and know it all’s. Many are full of shit, GPS accuracies be damned.
At the time he wrote that post it was accurate.

In fact a couple retired Leo's crossed that corner and demanded they be written tickets...and refused warnings.

So, yeah...I think I know more about what goes on in carbon county and the latest case.

Carry on...
If you’re walking on a sidewalk and you dangle your arm in the air over someone’s lawn are you trespassing?

According to the law, yes. Would you somehow feel differently about reaching over a fence that was along the sidewalk and reaching into the yard? Don't think it's going to bother anyone, but it's what it is.

Can a neighbor build a deck that cantilevers out over your property?


Can someone build a skyscraper, cell tower, etc on their property?
Yes, because it's determined you own the airspace within reason. Laws are supposed to be about clarity. The clarity is that its a very fine point at the corner, and even occupying air space is currently trespassing.